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单词 catch
释义 catch
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to take hold of something, especially something that is moving through the air 抓住,接住
I managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground.我在玻璃杯落地之前接住了它。
We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.我们看到老鹰从空中猛扑下去抓捕猎物。
Our dog ran past me and out of the house before I could catch it.我们的狗从我身边跑过,我没抓住,让它跑出了屋子。
He caught hold of my arm.他一把抓住了我的胳膊。
We placed saucepans on the floor to catch (= collect) the drops of water coming through the roof.我们把平底锅放在地上接屋顶漏下的水。
UK specialized The batsman was caught (out) (= someone in the other team caught the ball when he hit it).打击手击出的球给接住了。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to find and stop a person or animal that is trying to escape 逮住,捉住
Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible.警方面临着很大的压力,要尽早抓获恐怖分子。
[+ -ing verb] Two armed men were caught trying to cross the frontier at night.两名武装分子企图在夜间越境时被抓获。
They were happy because they had caught a lot of fish that day.那天他们很高兴,因为抓到了很多鱼。
figurative I can see you're busy right now, so I'll catch you (= speak to you) later.看得出你现在很忙,过一会儿再跟你说。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to discover, see or realise something, especially someone doing something wrong 发现,撞见,注意到
[+ -ing verb] He caught her reading his old love letters.她看他过去的情书时被他撞见了。
If the virus is caught (= discovered) in time, most patients can be successfully treated.要是能及时发现病毒,大多数患者都可以治愈。
I caught sight of /caught a glimpse of (= saw for a moment) a red coat in the crowd.我在人群中看到/瞥见一个穿红色外套的人。
catch someone's attention/imagination/interest, etc.
■to make you notice something and feel interested 引起(某人的)注意/想像/兴趣等
A ship out at sea caught his attention.一艘出海的船吸引了他的注意。
Her pictures caught my imagination.她的照片引起了我的遐想。
be caught without sth
■to not have something, especially when it is needed (尤指在需要的时候)没有,缺乏
He doesn't like to be caught without any biscuits in the house.他喜欢家里备些饼干。
you won't catch sb doing sth
■said to mean that you will certainly not see someone doing a particular thing or in a particular place 别指望(某人)会做…;(某人)不会做…
You won't catch me at work after four o'clock.别指望我四点以后工作。
You won't catch Carla eating in a cheap restaurant, oh no.卡拉不可能在便宜的餐馆吃饭,不可能的。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to travel or be able to travel on an aircraft, train, bus, etc. 赶,乘,搭乘(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)
He always catches the 10.30am train to work.他总是乘上午10点30分的那班火车上班。
She was worried that she'd arrive too late to catch the last bus home.她担心到得太晚,赶不上回家的末班车。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to get an illness, especially one caused by bacteria or a virus (尤指因感染细菌或病毒)患(病),染(疾)
He caught a cold on holiday.他渡假时患了感冒。
A lot of children in the school caught measles last term.上学期许多在校的孩子得了麻疹。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
intransitive or transitive
■to stick somewhere, or to make something stick somewhere (使)挂住,钩住,卡住
The sleeve of my jacket (got) caught on the door handle and ripped.我的夹克衫的袖子钩在门把手上,给扯破了。
Her hair got caught (up) in her hair dryer.她的头发缠在吹风机上。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
■to manage to be in time to see or do something 及时赶上
I went home a bit early to catch the beginning of the programme.为了看到节目的开头,我就稍微早了一点回家。
You'll have to run if you want to catch the post (= send a letter before the post has been collected).要是你想赶得上收信,就得赶紧了。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
HEAR/SEE 听见/看见
■to manage to hear something 听见,听到
I couldn't catch what the announcer said, with all the other noise going on.这么吵,我听不清播音员在说甚么。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
HIT 碰撞
■to hit something, especially without intending to (尤指无意中)撞上,碰上
His head caught the edge of the table as he fell.他摔倒的时候头撞到了桌子边。
Medical teams were caught in the crossfire of the opposing armies.医疗队陷入了敌军的交叉火力中。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
get caught up in sth
■to become involved in something, often without wanting to (常指不情愿地)被卷入,陷入
They were having an argument and somehow I got caught up in it.他们在争论,不知怎么把我卷了进去。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch your breath
■to stop breathing for a moment, or to begin to breathe correctly again after running or other exercise 屏住呼吸;(跑步或运动后)调整呼吸
I had to sit down and catch my breath.我只好坐下喘口气。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch the sun UK
■If you have caught the sun, the sun has made your skin a slightly darker brown or red colour (皮肤)被晒黑
You've caught the sun on the back of your neck.你脖子后面都晒黑了。
catch a few rays (also catch some rays) informal
■to stay outside in the sun for a period of time 晒一会儿太阳
I'm going out to catch a few rays before lunch.我打算在午餐前出去晒一会儿太阳。
catch the light
■If something catches the light, a light shines on it and makes it look shiny. 被光照射;在光照下闪闪发亮
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch fire
■to start burning 着火;失火
For reasons which are not yet known, the factory caught fire late yesterday evening.昨晚工厂失火,原因尚不清楚。
■to begin to burn 开始燃烧;着火
This wood's too wet, the fire won't catch.木头太湿,点不着。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch sb's eye  ADVANCED 
■to get someone's attention 引起(某人)的注意,吸引(某人)的目光
A sudden movement caught my eye.突然的一动引起了我的注意。
■to get someone's attention, especially by looking at them (尤指透过注视)引起注意
I tried to catch the waiter's eye, so we could order.我努力想引起服务员的注意,这样我们就可以点菜了。
■to be attractive or different enough to be noticed by someone (因为迷人或与众不同而)引人关注,吸引目光
It was the unusual colour of his jacket that caught my eye.他的夹克衫的颜色与众不同,一下就吸引了我的目光。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch sb napping informal
■If someone is caught napping, something happens to them which they are not prepared for 使(某人)猝不及防;使(某人)措手不及
The goalkeeper was caught napping and the ball went straight in.守门员猝不及防,球直入球门。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch sb red-handed
■to discover someone while they are in the act of doing something bad or illegal 当场抓获(某人)
He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.他从收银机里偷钱时被当场抓获。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
catch sb with their pants / trousers down
■to discover someone doing something that they want to keep secret, usually something sexual 撞见(某人)做见不得人的事(通常指苟且之事)
■to ask someone unexpectedly to do or say something that they are not prepared for 出其不意,令(某人)措手不及
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
  Phrasal Verbs   catch on
■to become fashionable or popular 变得流行;变得受欢迎
I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?我想知道这个游戏会不会在年轻人当中流行起来?
UNDERSTAND 变得流行 informal
■to understand, especially after a long time (尤指很久以后才)理解,领会
He doesn't take hints very easily, but he'll catch on (to what you're saying) eventually.他不太会察言观色,不过最终还是会明白(你所说的话)的。
[kætʃ] verb (caught, caught)
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] catch sb out informal
■to show that someone is doing wrong 指出(某人)的过失
I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him out when I found some letters he'd written.我怀疑他没有告诉我实情,有一天,我发现了他写的一些信后戳穿了他。
■to trick someone into making a mistake 耍花招使(某人)出错;诱骗(某人)犯错误
The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak.考官会诱导你犯错,所以你要沉着冷静,三思而后言。




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