Not since Gutenberg invented the modern printing press morethan 500 years ago,making books and scientific tomes afrordableand widely available to the masses,has any new invention empow.ered individuals,and transformed access to information,as profoundly as Google.With its colorful,childlike logo set against abackground of pure white,Google’s magical ability to produce speedy, relevant responses to quedes hundreds of millions oftimes daily has changed the way people find information and stavabreast of the news.Woven into the fabric of daily life.Google hasseemingly overnight become indispensable.Millions of people useit daily in more than 100 languages and have come to regardGoogle and the Internet as one.The quest for immediate informa.tion on anything and everything is satisfied by“googling”it on acomputer or cell phone.Men,women,and children have come torely SO heavily on Google that they cannot imagine how thev everlived without it .
GOOGLE is the definitive account of one of the most remarkable OraanizatiOns of our time.Every day over sixty-four million people use Google in more than one hundredIanguages.running billions of searches for infOrmatiOn on everything and anything.Based on scrupulous research and extraOrdinarv access to Google.this booktakes you inside the creation and growth of a companythat has become so familiar its name has become a verb recognized around the world.
1 A Healthy Disregard for the Impossible
2 When Larry Met Sergey
3 Learning to Count
4 The Secret Sauce
5 Divide and Conquer
6 Burning Man
7 The Danny Sullivan Show
8 A Trickle
9 Hiring a Pilot
1O You've Got Google
11 The Google Economy
12 And on the Fifth Day
13 Global Goooogling
14 April Fools
15 Porn Cookie Guy
16 Going Public
17 Playboys
18 Charlie's Place
19 Space Race
20 A Legal Showdown
21 AVirtual Library
22 Trick Clicks
23 Attacking Microsoft
24 Money Machine
25 The China Syndrome
26 GooglingYour Genes
Appendix I:23 Google Search Tips
Appendix II:Google Labs Aptitude Test(GLAT)
Appendix III:Google's Financial Scorecard