It is with great pleasure and profound gratitudethat the Museum of Glass: International Centerfor Contemporary Art presents this exhibitionof the work of two towering figures in twenti-eth-century sculpture--Jaroslava Brychtovaand Stanislav Libensky. This exhibition notonly celebrates the remarkable talent and gen-erosity of these artists, but also demonstratesthe Museum's commitment to contemporaryart and its creators.
Since the fourteenth century, glassmakershave worked in the foothills of the Ore Moun-tains of what is now the Czech Republic.Jaroslava Brychtova and Stanislav Libenskyhave spent almost fifty years in these hills,refining the art of casting large sculpturesmade of delicately colored glass. A number ofCzech artists studied with Libensky and Brych-tova during this time, and today owe theircareers to the couple. Their powerful influencehas also been felt in the United States, wherethey taught at the Pilchuck Glass School nearSeattle in the 1980s.