List of illustrations
Mexico in perspective
Nationalism and territory
Living with the USA
The border
Drug trafficking
Indigenous Mexico
The pre-Columbian era
The Olmecs
Monte Alban and the Zapotec cultures of Oaxaca
The Mayas
The north
The time of troubles, 750-950
The Toltecs
The Post-Classic Maya
The Zapotecs and Mixtecs of the Post-Classic era
Central Mexico
The Aztecs
The European incursion, (1519-1620)
The impact of the fall of Tenochtitlan
The imposition of Christianity
Hispanic land acquisition
4 New Spain, 1620-1770: Spanish colonialism and American
Spain and the Empire: merchants, financiers, and markets
Indian communities
New Spain's Baroque culture
The cult of the Virgin
The exposed north and far north
The political processes
5 Destabilisation and fragmentation, 177o-1867
Part one: the climax and collapse of New Spain,
Part two: the failures and successes of a newly
sovereign state, 1821-1867
6 Reconstruction, 1867-194o
Part one: the Liberal republic: constitutionalism
or personal rule, 1867-1911?
Part two: the revolutionary system: state power or
democratisation, 1911-1940?
7 The monopoly party, 194O-2000
Part one: the 'Mexican miracle' and political
control, 1940-1970
Part two: economic crises and political divisions,
Final comments