rampant ['ræm.pənt] adjective INCREASING 增加的 ■(of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way (不好的事情)猖獗的,泛滥的•rampant corruption腐败猖獗 •Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing.通货膨胀涨个不停,这意味着我们增长的工资很快就一钱不值了。 •He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job.他说他在找工作时,四处遭受歧视。 •Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.疾病在过分拥挤的城市中肆虐。 ['ræm.pənt] adjective STANDING 站立的 [after noun] specialized ■(of an animal represented on a coat of arms) standing on its back legs with its front legs raised (纹章上所绘的动物)用后腿站立的,跃立的•a lion rampant跃立的雄狮纹章图案 |