彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark)是一位语言学家、翻译家、翻译教授和实践型的翻译理论家。从翻译实践出发,又以翻译实践为归宿,纽马克对翻译理论和翻译教学有其独特的看法。《论翻译》是他的第三部著作,收录了他的13篇论文,内容庞杂,几乎涉及到翻译中的各种问题,是其在翻译实践的基础上对翻译所涉及的种种问题所作的理性思考,是其翻译思想发展的一个新起点。
1 Translation as Means or End - As Imitation or Creation
2 Translation: An Introductory Survey
3 Translation Today: The Wider Aspects of Translation
4 Translation for Language Teaching and Professional Purposes
5 The Use of Systemic Linguistics in Translation
6 The Virtues of Interference and the Vices of Translationese
7 Word and Text: Words and Their Degree of Context in Translation.
8 Translation and Mis-translation: The Review, the Revision,and the Appraisal of a Translation
9 Pragmatic Translation and Literalism
10 Teaching Translation
11 Teaching about Translation
12 The Translation of Political Language
13 Translation as an Instrument of Linguistic, Cultural and Literary Criticism