Yikes! It is an absolutely different world. A decade ago we seemed so innocent--or maybe just less guilty. What have we seen, heard, tasted, drunk, laughed, and cried at since? The "rational" exuberance of the Internet mania--which led to the inevitable Internet meltdown ...and rebirth. Monica Lewinsky's transformation from a naive coed at Lewis and Clark College to a different kind of celebrity, and the New York Yankees winning four World Series championships, including the 2000 Subway Series against my much-maligned Mets. (How many Flushing hearts were broken by that too-sensitive lug,Armando Benitez?)
There have been 25 years of breakthrough advertising created for Absolut vodka: the spirit that rcinycntcd and rcinvigoratcd the way brands of all kinds arc sold to the public.
The creative minds bclfind the Absolut campaigns moved beyond product benefits and lifestyle associa tions--crcating art, creating meaning, crcating something new and, in the process, becoming a part ofpopular culture--to attract consumcrs.
According to Advertising Age magazine, they suc ccedcd--the Absolut vodka advertising campaign was rated one of the "ten best of the 20th century." It's also been one of the most effeetive--helping sales of the Absolut brand bccome the world's biggest prcmium vodka.
Why are Absolut ads so memorable? Why do collec tors crave them? Why are famous artists and writers enthusiastic about creating them?
The formula is simple and the cxcctltioI1ABSOLUT ly brilliant. First, two shnple words (and the first is always the same). Second, a single stunning image--the iconic bottle painted, built, dcconstructcd, reconstructed,dressed, undressed, decorated, and transformed.These images, created by some of the bcst-known and cleverest visual artists, word artists and dcsigncrs of our time, cngange and involve you with visual puns,fantastic inventions, and often, an eye catching game of "find the Absolut bottle."
ABSOLUT SEQUEL collects the best of the best of the last ten years. This decade has bccn one of the most crcativc and expansive in Absolut's history with ads cxploring new cities around the world, and migrating into new media-from cinema to lntcrnet,from Fashion to literature.
You're sure to find your favorites-AND discover whole worlds of wondcrful ncw ads for Absolut that you'er never seen before.