random ['ræn.dəm] adjective IMPROVER ■happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan 任意的;随机的;胡乱的•random checks/tests /attacks随机检查/随机测试/胡乱攻击 •We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought.我们随机挑选一些人,问了他们的想法。 ■informal ■strange or unusual 奇怪的,异常的•I just saw Billy wearing a top hat - he's so random!我刚才看见比利戴着一顶高帽子--可真是怪模怪样! at random ■without choosing intentionally; by chance 任意地;随意地;随机地•The winning entry will be the first correct answer drawn at random.从所有给出正确答案的参赛者中,随意抽出的第一个将获得大奖。 |