Stage Lighting is a comprehensive, informative and easily understood introduction to a seemingly complicated and technical subject. Assuming that the reader has no prior knowledge of theatres or electrical theory, this book provides both the complete novice and the aspiring professional with the knowledge and confidence to light their own theatrical productions.
The book traces the history and development of theatre lighting. It includes a complete guide to the layout and running of a modern theatre, the location of its various parts and what each is called, the different styles of performing space, plus the various theatre personnel, so that the reader feels able to use theatre terms with confidence.
When planning the lighting for a theatrical production, the lighting designer has many factors to consider, from the script, the mood and style of the piece, and the design of the set and costumes to the nature and shape of the venue, existing lighting equipment and, of course, the budget. Stage Lighting deals with all these considerations as well as providing a thorough introduction to electrical theory and safety and its specific application within a theatre environment.
Introduction 6
Making a Start
The empty space 12
Theatre shapes 14
Who does what and where 16
Basic electrical theory and safety 18
Beginning the process 24
Dividing the stage 26
Planning 28
The set mode[ 3o
Rehearsals 31
The cue synopsis 32
Making a lighting plan 34
Stage sections and light 36
Lighting angles 40
Examples of lighting designs 42
Achieving the Effects
The luminaires 5o
Profile spots and ellipsoid reflector spots 52
Follow spots 56
Fresnels and pebble-convex lanterns 58
Floods and cyc floods 62
Parcans and beam lights 64
Controlling the Dower supply 66
Controlling the lights 68
Creating atmosphere 72
Colour theory 82
Colour gels 84
Mixing colours 86
Colour on the stage 88
Creating Special Effects
Gobos 94
Colour changers and chasers 99
Clouds 1oo
Snow and water 1o1
Strobes and black light 1o2
Light curtains 1o3
Moon and stars 1o4
Lamps, candles and fires 1o6
Projections 1o8
Scrims 11o
Smoke 111
Light boxes 112
Unusual lighting positions 113
Pyrotechnics 114
Planning 118
The final sessions 126
Troubleshooting 13o
Lighting Directory 132
Glossary 134
Index 14o
Credits 144