This is lessons from 60 years of research into the psychology of consumer relationships.Companies spend millions of dollars every year trying to court consumers.They invest in flashy advertising,celebrity endorsements, loyalty programs, Web sites..., you name it.And they spend millions more trying to build their businesses through elaborate "relationship management" software.
Companies spend millions of dollars every year trying to court consumers.They invest in flashy advertising,celebrity endorsements, loyalty programs, Web sites..., you name it.And they spend millions more trying to build their businesses through elaborate "relationship management" software.
The result? Most marketers still aren't emotionally connecting with consumers.
Sure, their strategies may draw raves, and their ads may win impressive awards at Cannes.They may even raise their brand awareness.But they too often fail to build enduring brand relationships.Put another way: Many marketers are great at wooing a "first date" with consumers -- yet lousy at creating a lasting marriage between buyer and brand.Married to the Brand tells the story of what makes profitable brand relationships work -- through the eyes of the consumer, not the marketer.Packed with stories and compelling discoveries from a worldwide consumer database,this book explores why people bond with some brands and not others.
Emotions aren't simply warm, fluffy concepts.According to Married to the Brand, which draws on 60 years of Gallup Organization research into consumer psychology, emotional connections can be measured and managed.Married to the Brand shows you how.This is a must-read for profit-obsessed marketers everywhere -- from the boardroom,where strategies are formulated, to the front lines, where employees "live" the brand every day.
Chapter 1.A Pathway to Brand Passion
Chapter 2.Why Consumers Marry Brands
Chapter 3.Brand Relationships: Why Companies Should Care
Chapter 4.Brand Encounters: Connecting With Consumers
Chapter 5.Beginning a Lasting Relationship
Chapter 6.Five Ps: Tools for the Brand-Building Trades
Chapter 7.The Brand Marriage: Winning Hearts and Minds
Chapter 8.Keeping the Brand Marriage Vows
Part 1: Brand Confidence
Chapter 9.Keeping the Brand Marriage Vows
Part 2: Brand Integrity
Chapter 10.Building on the Foundation: Brand Pride
Chapter 11.The Emotional Pinnacle: Brand Passion
Chapter 12.Brand Marriages and the Engagement Imperative
Chapter 13.The Value of a Healthy Brand Marriage
Chapter 14.Brand Marriage Management
Appendix A.Engagement Potential Rating Scales
Appendix B.Customer Engagement (CE11) Rating Scales
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