spout [spaʊt] verb SPEAK 说 transitive intransitive + adverb or preposition disapproving ■to speak a lot, in a way that is boring or annoying for other people 喋喋不休地说,滔滔不绝地说•He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!他滔滔不绝地胡乱吹嘘了一通,人们竟然愚蠢得相信他! •I really don't want to listen to Mike spouting on/off all afternoon.我实在不想听麦克喋喋不休地唠叨整整一下午。 [spaʊt] verb FLOW 流 intransitive + adverb or preposition transitive ■to flow or send out liquid or flames quickly and with force, in a straight line 喷出,喷射;喷涌出•Flames spouted (out) from the oil wells.油井中喷出了火焰。 •The gash was spouting blood.伤口血如泉涌。 [spaʊt] noun countable OPENING 开口 ■a tube-shaped opening which allows liquids to be poured out of a container (容器的)嘴 [spaʊt] noun countable FLOW 流 ■a stream of liquid coming out of something with some force 喷水;喷出•A spout of water shot out of the geyser.一股水流从间歇泉中喷涌而出。 [spaʊt] noun countable be up the spout UK slang ■to be pregnant 怀孕 [spaʊt] noun countable up the spout UK slang ■wasted or spoiled 浪费掉的;毁掉的,毁坏的•Peter lost his job so that was our holiday plans up the spout.彼得丢了工作,我们的度假计划也因此泡汤。 |