"The Rebel Rules is more than just an inspirational handbook for the new genera tion of leaders--it's essential reading for anyone who really wants to make a dif ference. The future belongs to the rebels who can take the principles in this book and run with them." --SETH G0DIN, author of Permission
When he was 26, Chip Conley broke the two cardinal rules of starting a business: he invested in an industry about which he knew nothing and he ignored the mantra "location, location, location." He bought a notorious "pay-by-the-hour" motel in a seedy San Francisco neighborhood.
A dozen years later, Chip is the "boy wonder" of the American travel industry, famous for his entrepreneurial genius, creativity, and sense of fun.
In The Rebel Rules, Conley shares his success secrets. He focuses on the primary traits--vision, passion, instinct, and agility--that characterize today's fast company leaders. His guidebook doubles as a toolbox for anyone--whether a virgin entrepreneur or a corporate manager--who wants to walk in step with today's business innovators.
FOREWORD by Rlcllard Branson
The New Rules of Business
Rebels Rule with Courage and Authenticity
1.Getting in Touch with Your "Inner Rebel"
Are You a Rebel?
Finding Your Glass Slipper
Business Rebd Hall of Fame Profile: Richard Branson
Thinking o~our Life as a Novel
Reconnecting with Your Childhood Passions
How You Bucked the Norm: An Exercise
How to Create Your Own Personal Mission Statement
Learning from Your Job History
The Frustrations Table: How to Bring About Personal Change
2.What It Takes to Be a Rebel
Putting Your Whole Body into It
Eyes Represent Vision
Heart Represents Passion
How to Make Sure You're Not a Jerk
Gut Represents Instincts
Feet Represent Agility
Business Rebel Hall of Fame Profile: Steve Jobs
The Thirty-two Traits of Successful Rebeh: How
to Identify Your Own Unique Imprint
Form Good Habits and Become Their Slave
How to Use Your Past to Guide Your Future
3.What Do You Stand For?
Your Conviction Oven
Integrating Your Values into the Workplace
How to Create a Values Inventory for Your Company
Business Rebel Hall of Fame Profile: Anita Roddick
Creating Your Company's Core Values
Identifying Misalignments in Your Company
Core Values Create Company Value
Finding Meaning in What You Do