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书名 | 心灵鸡汤--母女情深(英文原版) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (美)坎费尔德 |
出版社 | 安徽科学技术出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 还记得这本书吗?被美国《时代周刊》称为“出版界的一大奇观”,被《芝加哥论坛报》誉为“使人们体会到高尚和喜悦,简直就是没有音乐的圣歌”,以40多种语言在全球出版发行,总销量达8000万册的心灵鸡汤,还记得吗?它用平实的语言讲述平民百姓的故事,真实记录他们的心路历程,充分挖掘平凡小事所蕴藏的精神力量和人性之美,字里行间洋溢着爱心、希望、鼓励、信念以及对生活的深刻理解。一个个动人的故事,一句句温馨的叮咛,滋养着所有被尘世风霜雪雨侵蚀的心灵,帮你重燃心火,找回生命的活力! 内容推荐 安徽科学技术出版社从美国独家引进的英文版《心灵鸡汤》系列读物,语言地道新颖,简约易懂,优美流畅;故事生动有趣,寓意深刻感人,内容极富时代感。作为英语阅读的顶级精品,本套书深得广大读者的推崇与喜爱,广手各方的赞誉和褒奖。 目录 1.A MOTHER’S LOVE 2.A DAUGHTER’S LOVE 3.MEMORIES 4.CHALLENGES 5.LESSONS 6.LIKE MOTHER,LIKE DAUGHTER 7.LOSS AND HEALING 8.TIMELESS WISDOM 试读章节 Mama tried hard to take care of the house and kids,but shehad a difficult pregnancy that forced her to stay in bed much ofthe time.I hoped by helping out with the kids and the meals Imight make amends for the things I"d said about the baby.although she never mentioned them. I worried about Mama sometimes.but my head was filled withsomething more exciting.Soon it would be spring.and 1 wouldgraduate from Franklin—Simpson High.Our class began workingand earning money for our senior..class trip four years earlier.Starting in our freshman year we held bake sales,car washesand play productions.Finally,we did it:We earned enough moneyto charter two Greyhound buses to take the entire graduating classto Florida for a week!My parents were poor.I"d never been offthe farm.Let alone three states away--and be able to see theocean!This trip was the epitome of a dream come true. Mama,who had only finished the fourth grade,was almost asecstatic as I was.She was happy about my Florida trip and hadsewn some pretty clothes for me even after she had gotten sick.Ihad blue,red,pink and yellow skirts and blouses to match.I evenhad a petticoat made of a rainbow of colorful ruffles.But mygraduation would be her dream fulfilled.P12 序言 Every woman is a daughter and every woman had amother.The bond of the mother and daughter relation—shipis SO profound,SO deep and long—lasting,that women often miss their mothers fifty years after they are gone.Oncebirthed,a mother/daughter relationship iS perhaps immor—tal.It is in honor of that eternal relationship that we offer thisbook,not only to every woman who is a daughter or amother Of daughters,but to every person who knows andlores a woman,because her heart will be touched by thestories of love,courage,lOSS,reunion,sacrifice,redemptionand everyday caring that make up this book. Being a mother iS more than a role or an outcome ofbiology.Mothers are not just those women who give birth tothe daughters they raise.Perhaps mother is more expressiveas a verb than as a noun.To be truly mothered teaches UShow to love,how to think,how to grow into our own poten—tial,into our womanhood.At its best.being mothered teachesUS to be whole.To mother is to give of oneself in service ofanother,to truly see and honor another and to care forher.Thankfully,in a world that brings hardship as well as ioy,mothers show up in all sorts of wonderful and magicalways.You’Il read stories about sisters,adoptive mothers,grandmothers and even a cat,each one mothering a daughterin such a way that both become the better for it. And daughters.what about them?You will read againand again how daughters come into their mothers"lives as agift from heaven.Daughters allow their mothers to seethemselves through a new life,to see how they are carried intheir daughters and how their daughters are unique and absolutely new.Daughters allow(sometimes push)their mothers into seeing a larger world,the new world that their daughters inhabit.Daughters offer their mothers an opportunity to become whole,just as mothers offer the same totheir daughters. In celebration of love and wholeness,we invite you toioin US in the never-ending stow of mothers and daughters. |
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