One snowy midnight in Chicago a drunken ex-priest is accosted on the street by a well-dressed stranger- who turns out to be his former altar boy. The young lawyer wants Father Martin Delaney to perform a very special, ancient ritual - the spiritual cleansing of a mystery mansion way down south...
One snowy midnight in Chicago a drunken ex-priest is accosted on the street by a well-dressed stranger- who turns out to be his former altar boy. The young lawyer wants Father Martin Delaney to perform a very special, ancient ritual - the spiritual cleansing of a mystery mansion way down south.
Decades after a tragically bungled exorcism got him defrocked, Delaney is terrified by this request. Arriving blindfolded in the middle of a raging blizzard, he soon realizes that the vast residence is indeed seriously haunted. But that is not its most alarming aspect...
Through the course of one endless night, with an appalling storm paralysing the entire neighbourhood, Delaney finds himself marooned in the echoing lnansion with only the young lawyer, the lady of the house and her teenage daughter, several security men... and a spirit of astonishingly virulent menace and destruction.
Then, with only a book of rituals and his rickety faith to aid him...