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书名 汤类食谱
分类 外文原版-英文原版-文学小说
作者 林淑莲
出版社 小马哥企业



肚片鮑魚湯 Pig—Tripe and AbaIonc Soup.

砂鍋魚頭 Fish Head in Sandy Pot

香菇雞湯 Black Mushroom and Chicken Soup

蘿蔔排骨湯 Carrot and Rib Soup.

蘆筍濃湯 Green Asparagus Soup.

蒜頭田雞湯 Garlic and Frog Soup.

蘑菇魚板湯 Agaricus and Fishchop Soup.

竹筍雞 Bamboo Shoot Chickcn

大黃瓜鑲肉湯 Cucumber with Meat Soup.

佛跳牆Buddha Against Wall

蛤蜊絲瓜湯 Clam and Luffa Soup.

青蒜海底雞湯 Green Garlic and Chicken Soup.

豆腐砂鍋 To--Fu in Sandy Pot

虱目魚豆腐湯 Mukfish and Yo-Fu Soup.

苦瓜小魚湯 Bitter Gourd and Dried Fish Soup.

螺肉蒜湯 Spiral Shell with Garlic

玉米香菇湯 Corn and Black Mushrooms Soup.

牛肉砂鍋 Beef in Sandy POt.

芥菜肉片湯 Mustard Plant and Meat Soup.

海帶豆腐排骨湯 Sea weCd,T0一Fu,and Rib Soup.

芡實牛尾湯 The Fox—Nut and Ox—Tail Soup.

髮菜豆腐羹 Sea weed and To—Fu Ticken Soup.

羅宋湯 Borscht

蕃茄排骨湯 Tomato and Rib Soup.

四神湯 Four Ingredients Soup.

美味鮮菇湯Fresh Mushroom Soup.

紫菜蛋花湯Laver and Egg Stiring Soup.

蘿蔔魚丸湯 Carrot and Fish Ball Soup.

冬瓜盅 Winter Melon Cup

羊肉爐 Lamp Soup,

味噌湯 Me-Soi Soup.

蚵仔豆腐湯 Oyster and To—Fu Soup.

蒜頭雞湯 Garlic and Chicken Soup.

鳳瓜冬菇湯 Chicken Leg and Black Mushroom Soup.

木耳金針湯 Tree Fungus and Okra Soup.

菜心雞丸湯 Pickled Vegetable and Chicken Ball Soup,

木爪花生豬腳湯 Papaya,Peanut and Pig—Leg Soup.

酸辣湯 Spicy Sour Soup.

魷魚煅 Cuttlefish Thicken Soup.

蝦仁 Shrimp Ticken Soup.

竹笙絲瓜湯Bamboo Shoot and Luffa Soup.

花瓜雞湯 Pickle and Chicken Soup. 

香菇蛋粉絲湯Black Mushroom,Egg,and Green Bean--Noodles Soup

蔬菜貢丸湯Vegetable,To—Fu,and Egg—Stiring Soup.

椰菜蟹肉羹 Cauliflower and Crab Thicken Soup.  

砂鍋羊肉 Lamb in Sandy Pot  

番茄豆芽湯Tomato and Yellow Bean Sprout Soup. 

青菜豆腐蛋花湯 Vegetable,To-Fu,and Egg—stiring Soup.  

白菜滷 Stew Chinese Cabbage  

西洋菜魚片湯Celery and Fish Sliced Soup.

黃豆排骨湯Yellow Bean and.Rib Soup.

冬菜丸子湯Spiced Cabbage a nd Meat Ball Soup.

燒酒雞Rice Wine Chic ken

黃豆糙米雞湯Yellow Bean,Unpolished Rice and

Chicken Soup.

牛肉蔬菜湯 Beet and Vegetable Soup.

蕃茄肉片湯Tomato and.Meat Soup.

蛤蜊雞湯Clean and Chicken Soup.

冬瓜干貝湯Winter Melon and Dried Scallop Soup.

魚翅煅 Shark’S Fins Thicken Soup.

絲瓜干貝湯Luffa and Dried Scallop Soup.

砂鍋獅子頭 Mashed Meat Ball in Sandy Pot.

酸菜肚片湯 Pickled Vegetable and Pig—Tripe Soup.

;鮮菇筍片湯Black Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot Soup.

冬瓜排骨湯 winter Melon and Rib Soup. 

鮮菇竹笙肉片湯 Fresh Black Mushroom,  

Bamboo Shoot and Meat Soup.

蓮藕排骨湯LotuS Root and Rib Soup.

冬瓜蛤蜊湯Winter Melon and Clam Soup.

青蒜鱸魚湯Sea Bass and Green Garlic Soup.

山藥排骨湯 Herb and Rib Soup.

紅棗莹鬚雞 Red Jujube and Ginseng Chicken.

菠菜豬肝湯Spinach and Pig—Liver Soup.

韮菜豬血湯Chinese Chives and Pig--blood Soup.

苦瓜雞湯 Bitter Gourd and Chicken Soup.

蘿蔔絲鯽魚湯 Carrot Shredded and Gold Carp Soup.

金針雞湯 Okra and Chicken Soup.

絲瓜肉片湯 Luffa and Meat Soup.





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