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书名 | 简爱/英语戏剧系列丛书 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 |
出版社 | 人民教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是英语戏剧系列丛书之一剧本,由小说《简·爱》改编。《简·爱》常被认为是一部古典爱情故事,其实它远不止是爱情故事。不守陈规陋习的女主人公使得这部小说成为当时最具政治影响的小说之一。它今天仍是被最广泛阅读的古典小说之一。剧本与中学英语教材中的文学题材密切联系,是优秀的课程资源,可以体现教学的拓展性,为学生提供了自主学习的空间。文化内涵丰富、语言文字优美且真实,有助于扩大读者的视野,增加读者的英语词汇量。是一本适合英语学习爱好者、戏剧爱好者以及大中学图书馆收藏的好书! 内容推荐 Jane Eyre, cruelly mistreated in her youth, sets out in search of life,independence and romance. Encountering treachery and deception on her journey, her passionate belief in truth and justice is tested as she battles against daunting setbacks, dishonesty and prejudice. Suicide, attempted murder, and arson are interweaved in a mystery that has the most improbable outcome. Wil Jane's strength of character be enough to ensure the happy endin,q she dreams of? 目录 序 说明 丛书编者的话 小说《简·爱》的改编 剧中人物表 简·爱 Act I Scene 1 The drawing-room,Gateshead Scene 2 The drawing—room,Gateshead Scene 3 LOWOOd SChool Scene 4 Lowood School Scene 5 Lowood School Scene 6 Lowood School Act Ⅱ Scene 1 The drawing-room,Thomfield Hall Scene 2 Woodland near Thomfield Hall Scene 3 The drawing—room,Thornfield Hall Scene 4 A corridor.Thomfield Hall Scene 5 The drawing-room,’Thomfield Hall Scene 6 The drawing—room,Thomfield Hall Scene 7 A corridor.Thomfield I{all Scene 8 The drawing—room,’rhornfield Hall Scene 9 The drawing—room,Gateshead Scene 10 Woodland near Thornfield Hall Scene 11 Church near Thornfield Hall Act Ⅲ Scene 1 The kitchen, Moor House Scene 2 The kitchen, Moor House Scene 3 The kitchen, Moor House Scene 4 Woodland near Thornfield Hall Scene 5 The drawing-room, Thornfield Hall Scene 6 Thornfield Hall Looking back at the play 部分练习参考答案 试读章节 A CT I S CENE 1Drawing room in the Reed family house - Gateshead. The room is tastefully furnished and luxurious. A chaise-longue is situated centrally. YOUNG JANE EYRE enters the room cautiously, quietly closing the door behind her. She carries a book. She carefully crosses the room to a curtain that she pulls back to reveal a window seat. She sits, begins to read and closes the curtain so she cannot be seen. After a short pause, JOHN REED noisily enters the room.JOHN Miserable girl! Where the devil is she? (JANE appears from behind the curtain.)JANE What do you want?JOHN Say, 'What do you want, Master Reed?' I want you to come here. (JANE approaches JOHN and stands before him. He circles her, pulling faces, then strikes her violently. JANE recoils from the impact.) That is for your sneaky way of getting behind curtains, and for the look you had in your eyes, you rat! What were you doing behind the curtain?JANE I was reading.JOHN Show me the book. (JANE returns to the window and fetches the book. JOHN snatches it from her.) You have no business to take our books. You're dependent on us, mama says. You have no money because your father left you none. You ought to beg, and not live here with well-bred people like us, eating the same meals we do, and wearing clothes at our mama's expense. I'll teach you to steal from my bookshelves:everything in the house belongs to me, or will do in a few years. Get out of here! (JANE turns to leave. The book is thrown at her and strikes with enough force to knock her forwards.)JANE (Screaming.) Wicked, cruel boy! You're no better than a murderer.JOHN What? Dare you say that to me? How dare you? (JOHN runs headlong at ]ANE; he grasps her hair while punching and kicking her. BESSIE enters, closely followed by MRS REED and MISS ABBOT.)BESSIE (Pulling them apart.) Jane! What on earth do you think you are doing, attacking Master John in such a manner?MRS REED Take her to the closet and lock her in there. (MRS REED and JOHN leave the room. BESSIE pulls JANE away JANE is screaming and struggling to get free from BESSIE and MISS ABBOT as they drag her towards a closet at the far end of the room.)MISS ABBOT Shame on you, Miss Eyre, to strike the young gentleman, your guardian's son. Your young master.JANE Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?……P1-2 序言 回想上个世纪50年代我在北京外语学院当学生的时候,同学们都非常爱看英语话剧,甚至还演话剧。诚然,许多小说情节引人入胜,但原著小说语言难度较大,读起来不轻松,尤其那些开始的章节往往令人生畏。然而剧本就不同,口语化的语言,开门见山,读者立刻可以入境。一部好剧本第一幕就会像磁铁般将你吸住,使你不忍放下,非得一口气读下去,直至结束。在大学学习的那几年,!学校常举办英语晚会,每场演出必有几出话剧作为压轴戏。参加演话剧的学生会有终身难忘的印象。因为演员要首先理解和熟背台词,语音语调要纯正、语言充满感情;而且要有丰富多彩的表情、动作,加上道具、布景、服装、化妆,走上舞台犹如置身于英语国家的情景之中。成功地演出话剧的确会让学习者体验到运用外语的成就感和乐趣。即使观看一场精彩的话剧也能使人激动不已。 我在北外附校教书的期问,曾与同校英语教师组织过几次较大规模的英语晚会。学生参与表演的热情极高。为了提高语音质量,许多学生利用一切课余时间听录音。他们不仅有很强的模仿力,还发挥了惊人的创造力。近年来,我也常有机会观看各地中小学生的英语表演,演出的高潮多为话剧。有一次居然三个学校都演了莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》。为了有所区别,有的学生甚至别出心裁地改写剧本,剧情令观众忍俊不禁。小学生的短剧也脱离不了“拔萝卜”、“小蝌蚪找妈妈”、“小红帽”等范围。剧本的匮乏使我这个老英语教材编辑感到惭愧。我们为孩子们提供的剧本太少啦!当我发现Nelson Thornes出版公司的书目中有一套戏剧丛书时不禁喜出望外,立即选择其中八个剧本,组织力量做编注工作。 本套系列丛书的八个剧本均是以古典或当代文学名著为蓝本改编而成的,每一个剧本都保留了原著的人文精神。在审读这些剧本的文字和注释的过程中,我深深为剧中的人物和情节所打动:织工马南的勤劳朴实、心地善良;简‘爱和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白·莫奈特所具有的女性的自强、自尊、自立;安妮在德国纳粹铁蹄下过着暗无天日的生活却仍对未来满怀希望的乐观精神;狄更斯在《圣诞欢歌》和《远大前程》中揭露社会的不公,抒发了嫉恶如仇和除恶扬善的情感;《月亮宝石》和《金银岛》则以其扑朔迷离的惊险情节赋予读者以智慧和勇气。可以说,每一个剧本都会感染年轻读者的心灵。 在为本套丛书选剧目时,我们除了考虑人文性和趣味性,还考虑到了教育性和知识性。 首先,这些剧本与中学英语教材中的文学题材密切联系,是优秀的课程资源,可以体现教学的拓展性,为学生提供了自主学习的空间。 第二,这些剧本文化内涵丰富、语言文字优美且真实(因为有不同阶层人士所说的语言,如方言、俚语等),有助于扩大读者的视野,增加他们的英语词汇量。如果能完成书中的各项练习和活动,读者定能提高听说读写技能。尤其是演话剧,对于改进英语语音水平、运用体态语有着特殊的功效。 第三,从朗诵剧本到上台成功的演出需要多种才艺——英语、演技、审美、组织、管理、合作等能力,因此对人的综合素质的提高很有益处。 总之,如若读剧本、演话剧,通过“眼观、口诵、体动”达到“心感、情动、理通”的效果,那么,这套丛书的目的就实现了。 刘道义 2005年11月10日 |
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