Whatever you are selling, find out how good preparation, customer focus and effective interaction will enable you to make a sale.Practical techniques, effective tips, five-minute fixes and case studies equip you to succeed in the real world.Set your goals and check your progress with self-assessment exercises.
No business can succeed without effective salespeople. Understanding professional salesmanship is, therefore, a key competency not only for front-line salespeople, but for anyone whose job in any way affects the most important asset any organization has - its customers.
Professional sellers understand the necessity of making an excellent first impression. They know that a feature of their product only helps to make a sale if the customer can see how it will benefit them. And they understand each stage of the sales process, from the basics of questioning and listening to leading a customer towards saying "Yes, please - I’ll buy it." So, whether your customer is someone in a dress shop, a highly skilled buyer in a multi-national, an entire board committee, or a middle manager controlling a budget, you need to develop the selling skills that will make more profitable sales quickly.
1 Prepare For Your
Understand the Sales
Make a Good
First Impression
Communicate Persuasively
Identify Customer Benefits
2 Find Your Customers
Know Your Market
Get Organized
The Sales Forecast
Find Your Prospects
Develop Your Sales Pipeline
3 Manage The
Sales Process
Define the Sales Process
Plan the Initial Sales Call
Open the Sale
Qualify Your Prospects
Complete the
Opening Call
Build the Sale
Make Your Proposal
Present Your Solution
Negotiate the Best Terms
Clinch the Deal
Protect Your Time
4 Deliver Customer
Put the Customer First
Satisfy Your Customers
Satisfy Your Retail
Offer a First-Class Service
5 Manage Your
Key Accounts
Focus on Your
Best Customers
Build Your Account Team
The Key Account Process
Critical Success Factors
Write Your Key
Account Plan
Complete Your
Key Account Plan