At 8:48 A.M. on September 11, 2001, I was awakened by the sound of an explosion that changed the world forever.I ran up to my roof just in time to see a second Boeing 767 fly right into the second of the Twin Towers, setting it ablaze. It was obviously no accident. The two planes had been hijacked by terrorists.New York was under attack.I ran down from the roof and immediately searched the ancient code on my computer, the Bible code."Twin Towers" was encoded in the 3000-year-old text. "Airplane"appeared in exactly the same place. "it caused to fall, knocked down" crossed "airplane" and "towers."What I saw happen with my own eyes on September 11, 2001 was encoded in the Bible 3000 years ago.It was not this terrorist attack that really shook me. It was what the Bible code predicted was yet to come.--From Bible Code I1: The Countdown
Here is the thrilling new book about the Bible code-- the ancient code encrypted in the BiDle that mayreveal our future.The code remained hidden for 3000 years, until itwas unlocked by a famous Israeli mathematician,who broke it with a computer. Investigative reporterMichael Drosnin made the Bible code known to theworld in his first book, which became a #1 interna-tional bestseller.Now, in Bible Code I1: The Countdown, he reveals star-tling new predictions that warn we may have onlyfour years to stop the countdown to Armageddon.Ever since he found the assassination of YitzhakRabin predicted in the Bible more than a year beforethe murder--and personally warned the PrimeMinister--Drosnin has been telling world leadersabout the terrible fates the code predicts.The warning in the Bible code is clear: A nuclearWorld War will start with an act of terrorism in theMiddle East. It is the Apocalypse foretold by all theWest's three major religions. But we can change our future before it is too late. This dramatic account opens on the morning of September 11, as Drosnin witnesses from his roof the attack on the World Trade Center--and then finds the terrible event predicted in the 3000-year-old Bible code. But according to the code, September 11 was the beginning, not the end, of the danger. The author has traveled the globe, meeting with world leaders to brief them on the ancient prophecies the code reveals. His travels take him from the White House in Washington, D.C., to Yasir Arafat's embat- tled headquarters in Ramallah, to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, where he warns Israeli leaders that the choice is peace or annihilation.