Chapter 1 Narrative Space
Ford Journey Zone, Millennium Dome,
London, UK, Imagination, 2000
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Washington, DC, USA, Ralph Appelbaum
Associates, 1993
The British Galleries, Victoria and Albert
Museum, London, UK, Casson Mann, 2001
Frank Gehry, Architect, Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum, NewYork, USA,
Frank O. Gehry Associates, 2001
Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland,
Imagination and Robinson Keefe Devane, 2000
Expedition Titanic, Hamburg, Germany,
Atelier BrEickner with GGtz, Schulz, Haas-
Architekten, 1997
Chapter 2 Performative Space
Ericsson, CeBIT, London, UK, Imagination,
Eureka Our Global Garden, Eureka!
The Museum for Children, Halifax, UK,
Imagination, 2002
Orange Imaginarium, Explore At-Bristol,
Bristol, UK, Imagination, 2002
Hall of the Universe, Hall of Planet Earth,
American Museum of Natural History, NewYork.
USA, Ralph Appelbaum Associates, 2000
Energy Gallery, Science Museum, London, UK,
Casson Mann, 2004
Olympic Rendezvous @ Samsung, Salt Lake
City, USA, Imagination (USA), Inc., 2002
Los Immateriaux, Pompideu Centre, Paris,
France, Jean-Francois Lyotard and Thierry
Chaput, 1985
Chapter 3 Simulated Experience
Theatre for Lucent Centre of Excellence,
Nuremburg, Germany, MET Studio Design, 2001
Wired Worlds, National Museum of
Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, UK,
MET Studio Design, 2000
Jean Nouvel, Pompidou Centre, Paris, France,
Jean Nouvel, 2001-2002
The Weather Project, Tate Modern, London,
UK, Olafur Eliasson, 2003-2004
The Samsung Experience, Time Warner
Center, New York, USA, Imagination (USA), Inc.,
Hall of Biodiversity, American Museum of
Natural History, New York, USA, Ralph
Appelbaum Associates, 1998
Stuttgart in the Second World War, Stuttgart,
Germany, hg merz architekten, 1988-1989
Eyes, Lies and Illusions, Hayward Gallery,
London, UK, Christophe Gerrard, Critical Space
Chapter 4 Displays
Art of the Motorcycle, Guggenheim Museum
NewYork/Bilbao/Las Vegas, Frank O, Gehry
Associates, 1998 2002
Dia:Beacon, Riggio Galleries, DiaArt
Foundation, Beacon, USA, Dia Art Foundation
and Robert Irwin, 2003
American FolkArt Museum, NewYork, USA,
Ralph Appelbaum Associates, 2001
Wellcome Wing, Science Museum, London,
UK, Casson Mann, 2000
Crimes Against Humanity, Imperial War
Museum, London, UK, Casson Mann, 2002
The Rise of the Picture Press, Institute of
Contemporary Photography, New York, USA,
Julie Ault and Martin Beck, 2000
Grande Galerie de I'Evolution, Jardin des
Piantes, Paris, France, Chemtov and Huidobro,1994
Addressing the Century: 100 Years of Art and
Fashion, Hayward Gallery, London, UK, Zaha
Hadid Architects, 1997-1998
Chapter 5 Lighting
Light Show, Tate Modern, London, UK,
Imagination, 2000
Brazil: Body and Soul, Guggenheim Museum,
New York, USA, Jean Nouvel, 2001-2002
Steuben Flagship Store, New York, USA,
Ralph Appelbaum Associates, 2000
GiorgioArmani, Guggenheim New
York,USA/Bilbao, Spain, Robert Wilson,
Siteco, Light and Building Fair, Frankfurt,
Germany, Atelier Bruckner, 2000, 2002
Halls of Vertebrate Evolution, American
Museum of Natural History, NewYork, USA,
Ralph Appelbaum Associates, 1996
Chapter 6 Communication, Colour &
Outdoor Systems, Indoor Distribution,
Neue Gesellschaft fiJr Bildende Kunst, Berlin,
Germany, JulieAult and Martin Beck, 2000
Experience Music Project, Seattle, USA,
Frank O, Gehry Associates, 2000
Samsung Brand Showcase, Moscow, Russia,
Imagination (USA), Inc,, 2003
Museum for Communication, Berlin,
Germany, hg merz architekten, 1997-2000
Power Up, Reassembled, UCLA Hammer
Museum, Los Angeles, USA, Julie Ault, 2000
Sparking Reaction, Sellafield Visitor Centre,
Cumbria, UK, Casson Mann, 2002
Further Reading
Project Credits
Picture Credits