It is hardly worth using up the space to declare just how good it is. Different readers will come away from its seventeen pungent and packed chapters with diverse memories of its excellence.
List of Illustrations
Preface to the 1982 Edition
Preface to the 1992 Edition
'And I was a chubby boy'
The joys of prep school and the echoing green
Learning and holidays
Eton: Resting on the oars (i917--21)
An Englishman in Burma (I922--7)
Going native in London and Paris (I928--31)
Hard times or Struggling up (I932-4)
Bookshop days (I934-5)
The crucial journey to Wigan pier
and home tO Wallington (i936)
Spain and 'necessary murder' (i937)
Coming up for air (i938-9): the political writer
The challenge and frustration of war (i939-4x)
Broadcasting days (1941-3)
Tribune and the making of Animal Farm (1943-5)
Famous and solitary man (x945-6)
Jura days
The last days and Nineteen Eighty-Four
Appendix: Afterthoughts and Aftermatter