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书名 | 雾都孤儿/读名著学英文 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (英)狄更斯 |
出版社 | 中国书籍出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 对于广大英语学习者来说,掌握了基本词汇量,攻克了语法等难点,具备了一定的阅读能力,又有志于进一步提高自己的英语修养,从而对于英语能有更深入、更亲切的认知,那么广泛阅读,尤其是有选择地精读优秀的英美文学,可说是不二法门了。本小说以伦敦为背景,以一个孤儿的遭遇为主线,描写了形形色色的人物和事件,真实地反映了整个英国社会的各个侧面,反映了工业革命早期英国社会中所有的下层人民的困苦和上层机构的腐朽和虚伪。 内容推荐 小说以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥利弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。 本书描写了善与恶、美与丑、正义与邪恶的斗争,赞扬了人们天性中的正直和善良,也揭露抨击了当时英国慈善机构的虚伪和治安警察的专横。同时,作品又带有浓厚的浪漫主义情调,充满着人道主义情怀。 目录 1.Oliver's Eafly Years 一、奥立弗的幼年生活 2.Oliver Asks for More 二、奥立弗要求再添一些粥 3.He Goes Out for LiVing 三、出去谋生 4.He Runs Away 四、他逃走了 5.He Goes to London 五、去伦敦 6.Fagin and His Company 六、费金和他的同伙 7.Oliver Joins the Thieves 七、奥立弗入了贼窝 8.He Finds a Better House 八、他找到一个更好的家 9.Back among the Thieves 九、回到小偷中间 10.Another Intrigue 十、又一个阴谋 11.Oliver and Bill Sikes 十一、奥立弗和比尔·赛克斯 12.The Visit to Chertsey 十二、彻塞之行 13.01iver Is Safe Again 十三、奥立弗又一次得救了 14.Another New Home 十四、另一个新家 15.A Strange Thing 十五、一件奇怪的事情 16.Mr.Bumble and the Stranger 十六、邦布尔先生和陌生人 17.Nancy Learns a Secret 十七、南希听到了一个秘密 18.A Visit t0 Maylie 十八、拜访梅莱小姐 19.Old Friends Meet 十九、老朋友们终于见面了 20.A Midnight AppOintment 二十、夜半约会 21.Nancy Is Murdered 二十一、南希被谋杀了 22.Sikes Escapes 二十二、赛克斯逃跑了 23.MOnks Is Caught 二十三、芒克斯被捉住了 24.The Death of Sikes 二十四、赛克斯之死 25.The End 二十五、结局 试读章节 "Yes, sir. Please teach me." Oliver said. At the moment, Charley Bates smilednearby. After the breakfast, Fag-in and the other two boys made an interesting game.He put a silver box into one pocket of his trousers, a wallet into the other pocket,a watch and a handkerchief into the pocket of the coat. Then he pretended to bean old man, walking round and round the room with a stick. He walked to thegate, pretending to look at a shop window, looking around, for fear of thieves. Hekept touching his pockets to see if he hadn't lose anything. He did this in a funnyway that Oliver laughed till the tears came to his eyes. The two boys followedFag-in, but when Fag-in turned around they at once disappeared. Finally they pushedFagin from the back, Dawkins at once stepped on Fagin's foot, taking the silverbox, wallet, watch and handkerchief form the pockets at once quickly and skillfully.If the old man noticed that somebody was stealing, he would cry out at once. Thegame began all over again. When they had played this game many times, two young ladies came, onecalled Bet and the other Nancy. They had a great deal of colour in their faces, andtheir manners were very free and easy. Oliver thought they were very nice girlsindeed. Then they went out with Dawkins and Charley Bates together. Fagin said to Oliver, "You see, they had a good time outside everyday, didn'tthey?" "Have they finished the work, sir?" “是啊,先生,请教我吧。”奥立弗回答道。这时候,查理·佩茨在一边笑了。 早饭过后,费金和两个孩子做了一个有趣的游戏。他将一只银盒子放在裤袋里,把一个钱包放进另外一个裤袋,把一块手表与一块手帕放在了外套的口袋里。接着他装成一个老头,拄着拐杖在房间里走来走去。他踱到门口,假装看商店的橱窗,四下打量着,担心遇到小偷。他不时还摸摸他的口袋,看看里面的东西有没有丢。他那种装模作样的样子实在可笑,奥立弗看了,笑得眼泪都出来了。边上的两个孩子紧跟着费金,费金稍一转身,那两个孩子就不见了。最后查理·佩茨从费金的背后推了费金一下,达金从后面踩了费金一脚,然后迅速而又熟练地从他口袋里取出了银盒子、钱袋、表以及手帕。如果老头能感觉出有人在偷他东西,他会马上叫起来,然后游戏重做。 他们把这个游戏做了好几遍。这时候,来了两个女孩子,一个叫贝蒂,一个叫南希。她们脸上涂着很浓的胭脂水粉,举止十分随意。奥立弗觉得这两个女孩都很好。然后她们和达金、查理·佩茨一起出去了。 费金对奥立弗说: “你看,他们整天都在外面过着快活的日子,是不是?” “他们的工作完成了吗,先生?” P46-47 |
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