At last, after all those books on clawing your way to the top, here's the real truth about the behavior, good or bad, that will determine your ultimate success or failure in the workplace. From your trumped-up resume to the disastrous company picnic, and every other aspect of the working life, including meetings, office antics, travel and entertainment, fun with machines, and the right and wrong ways to ask for a raise, Greg Gutfeld focuses his trademark point system on the place where all of us--sadly--spend the biggest part of our lives.
Despite thousands of career and business books at our fingertips, not one author has gone to the trouble of telling us how to behave properly in the workplace. True, there are some painfully drab books out there that tell us how to hunt for a job (step one: lose the bathrobe), what to wear at an interview (hint: not the side holster), and how to empower our resumes with senseless action verbs that make us sound like we're channeling Roget. That's it. What we really need is something that helps us assess our behavior at work, telling us when we've screwed up and when we've done well. That way, we'll be golden in the eyes of our bosses, and even better, avoid selling Amway products out of our trunk...
Your Resume
The Interview
Your Private Hell (or Workspace)
Welcome Aboard!
Your Vocation
Office Romance
Is It Sexual Harassment?
Crass Communication
Did You Get My Memo?
Speeches and Presentations
Extracurricular Activities
The Scorecard for Satan (Uh, We Mean
Raises and Promotions
The Art of Firing, Being Fired, and Quitting
to Run Off and Join the Circus
Office Perks
Business Dining, Schmoozing, and
Other Types of Torture
Dirty Office Tricks
Covering Your Tracks
Business Abroad
Office Technology
How Do You Look?
The Procrastination Primer
The Procrastination Primer (Again)
How Annoying Are You?
The Peculiarities of Office Life
Your Workplace Attitude
Conclusion: Your Scorecard Totals