Even further to the north, within the ancient wails of Qul-na-Qar, the Twilight People gather to hear the blind king Ynnir pronounce the dark thtc of human kind. In the south, the Autarch now Doks to extend his domain yet Thrther. It is upon Southmarch thai tile armies advance,and on its people that darkness will fall: for a war is coming that will shake the world.
At the uppermost edge of the northern kingdoms lies Southmareh Castle. For hundreds of years it has remained isolated from the affairs of empire but now it is under siege:from both its neighbours, without, and the more insidious enemies who would destroy it from within.
Even further to the north, within the ancient wails of Qul-na-Qar, the Twilight People gather to hear the blind king Ynnir pronounce the dark thtc of human kind. In the south, the Autarch now Doks to extend his domain yet Thrther. It is upon Southmarch thai tile armies advance,and on its people that darkness will fall: for a war is coming that will shake the world.
An epic tale of magic and mystery, duty and betrayal, Tad Williams' Shadowmarch trih)gy is destined to become a classic of modern fantasy.
A Brief History of Eion
1. A Wyvern Hunt
2. A Stone in the Sea
3. Proper Blue Quartz
4. A Surprising Proposal
5. Songs of the Moon and Stars
6. Blood Ties
7. Sisters of the Hive
8. The Hiding Place
9. A Gleam of Pale Wings
10. Halls of Fire
11. Bride of the God
12. Sleeping in Stone
13. Vansen's Charge
14. Whitefire
15. The Seclusion
16. The Grand and Worthy Nose
17. Black Flowers
18. One Guest Less
19. The God-King
20. Lost in the Moon's Land
21. The Potboy's Dolphin
22. A Royal Appointment
23. The Summer Tower
24. Leopards and Gazelles
25. Mirrors, Missing and Found
26. The Considerations of Queens
27. Candlerstown
28. Evening Star
29. The Shining Man
30. Awakening
31. A Night Visitor
32. In This Circle of the World
33. The Pale Things
34. In a Marrinswalk Field
35. The Silken Cord
36. At the Giant's Feet
37. The Dark City
38. Silent
39. Winter's Eve
40. Zoria's Flight