gesture UK ['dʒes.tʃər] US [-tʃɚ] noun countable MOVEMENT 动作 ADVANCED ■a movement of the hands, arms or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling 手势;姿势;示意动作•The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.犯人被带出法庭时,举起拳头以示抗议。 •She made a rude gesture at the other driver.她对另一个司机做了个粗鲁的手势。 UK ['dʒes.tʃər] US [-tʃɚ] noun countable SYMBOLIC ACT 象征性的行动 ADVANCED ■an action that you take which expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect 姿态;表示•The Government donated £500 000 as a gesture of goodwill.该政府捐助了50万英镑以示友善。 •Not having butter on his potatoes was his only gesture towards healthy eating.他说要注意饮食健康,可也仅仅是吃马铃薯时不抹奶油而已。 UK ['dʒes.tʃər] US [-tʃɚ] verb intransitive ■to use a gesture to express or emphasize something 做手势;用手势表示;用动作示意•When he asked where the children were, she gestured vaguely in the direction of the beach.他问她孩子们在哪里,她心不在焉地朝沙滩方向指了一下。 •He made no answer but walked on, gesturing for me to follow.他没有回答而继续向前走,打了个手势让我跟上。 |