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书名 经典寓言(附光盘英汉对照)/红茶坊短篇阅读
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 田艳//闫少云
出版社 大连理工大学出版社






The Ant and the Dove蚂蚁与鸽子

The Ants and the Grasshopper蚂蚁与蚱蜢

The Apes and the Two Travelers猿猴与两个行人

The Ass and His Driver毛驴与赶驴人

The Ass and His Masters毛驴与主人

The Ass and His Buyer毛驴与买驴者

The Ass and His Shadow毛驴与自己的影子

The Ass and the Dog毛驴与小狗

The Ass and the Grasshopper毛驴与蚱蜢

The Ass and the Mule毛驴与骡子

The Ass and the Wolf毛驴与狼

The Ass in the Lion’s Skin披着狮皮的毛驴

The Astronomer天文学家

The Bat and the Weasels蝙蝠与黄鼠狼

The Bat,the Birds,and the Beasts蝙蝠、鸟与兽

The Bear and the Two Travelers熊与两位旅客

The Bee and Zeus蜜蜂与宙斯

The Bowman and Lion神射手与狮子

The Boys and the Frogs孩子与青蛙

The Brother and the Sister哥哥与妹妹

The Caged Bird and the Bat鸟笼中的小鸟与蝙蝠

The Cat and the Birds猫与鸟

The Cat and the Cock猫与公鸡

The Cat and the Mice猫与老鼠

The Cat and Venus猫与维纳斯

The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller烧炭人与漂洗工

The Clever Dog聪明的狗

The Cocks and the Partridge公鸡与松鸡

The Crab and its Mother小蟹与母蟹

The Crow and the Pitcher乌鸦与水罐

The Dog and the Shadow狗与自己的影子

The Dog and the W0lf狗与狼

The Dog in the Stable牛棚里的小狗

The Dog,the Cock and the Fox狗、公鸡与狐狸

The Dogs and the Skins狗与牛皮

The Eagle and the Arrow老鹰与弓箭

The Eagle and the Beetle老鹰与甲虫

The Eagle and the Fox老鹰与狐狸

The Eagle and the Jackdaw老鹰与寒鸦

The Eagle,the Cat,and the Sow老鹰、猫与野猪

The Farmer and His Sons农夫与他的儿子们

The Farmer and the Snake农夫与蛇

The Farmer and the Stork农夫与白鹳

The Father and His Sons父亲与儿子们

The Father and His Two Daughters父亲与他的两个女儿

The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle打架的公鸡与老鹰

The Fsherman and His Flute渔夫与笛子

The Flies and the Honey-Pot苍蝇与蜜罐

The Fox and the Crow狐狸与乌鸦

The Fox and the Goat狐狸与山羊

The Fox and the Grapes狐狸与葡萄

The Fox and the Leopard狐狸与猎豹

The Fox and the Lion狐狸与狮子

The Fox and the Monkey狐狸与猴子

The Fox and the Stork狐狸与白鹳

The FOX and the Woodcutter狐狸与樵夫

The FOX Who Had Lost His Tail断尾的狐狸

The Frogs Asking for a King青蛙求王

The Gnat and the Lion蚊子与狮子

The Goat and the Shepherd山羊与牧羊人

The Goose and the Golden Egg鹅与金蛋

The Hare and the Tortoise兔子与乌龟

The Hare With Many Friends有许多朋友的兔子

The Home and the Stag马与赤鹿

The Hunter and the Woodcutter猎人与樵夫

The Jackdaw and the Doves寒鸦与鸽子

The Kid and the Wolf小男孩与狼

The Lion and the Bull狮子与公牛

The Lion and the Dolphin狮子与海豚

The Lion and the Fox狮子与狐狸

The Lion and the Hare狮子与兔子

The Lion and the Mouse狮子与老鼠

The Lion and the Shepherd狮子与牧羊人

The Lion in a Farmyard农舍里的狮子

The Lion in Love恋爱中的狮子

The Lion,the Bear,and the Fox狮子、熊与狐狸

The Lion,the Fox,and the Ass狮子、狐狸与毛驴

The Lion,the Fox,and the Stag狮子、狐狸与赤鹿

The Lion,the Mouse,and the Fox狮子、老鼠与狐狸

The Lion,the Wolf,and the Fox狮子、狼与狐狸

The Lion,Zeus,and the Elephant狮子、宙斯与大象

The Man and His Two Sweethearts男人与他的两个情人

The Man and His Wife丈夫与妻子

The Man and the Lion人与狮子

The Man and the Satyr人与森林之神

The Man,the Home,the Ox,and the Dog人、马、牛与狗

The Mice in Council老鼠开会

The Milkmaid and Her Pail挤牛奶的姑娘

The Miller,His Son,and Their Donke磨坊主,他的儿子与毛驴

The Mischievous Dog淘气的狗

The Miser守财奴

The Mole and His Mother小鼹鼠与妈妈

The Monkey and the Dolphin猴子与海豚

The Monkey and the Fishermen猴子与渔夫

The Mother and the W0lf孩子的妈妈与狼

The Mouse,the Frog and the Hawk老鼠、青蛙与老鹰

The Mules and the Robbers骡子与强盗

The Neighboring Frogs青蛙邻居

The North Wind and the Sun北风与太阳

The Nurse and the Wolf保姆与狼

The Old Hound老猎狗

The Old Man and Death老人与死神

The Old Woman and the Doctor老太太与医生

The Owl and the Grasshopper猫头鹰与蚱蜢

The OX and the Frog公牛与青蛙

The Oxen and the Butchers公牛与屠夫

The Peacock and the Crane孔雀与鹤

The Pig and the Sheep小猪与羊

The Parrot and the Cat鹦鹉与猫

The Raven and the Swan乌鸦与天鹅

The Rose and the Butterfly玫瑰与蝴蝶

The Salt Merchant and His Ass盐商与毛驴

The Seaside Travelers海边的旅客

The SeUer of Images卖神像的人

The Shepherd and the Sea牧羊人与海

The Shepherd and the Wild Goats牧羊人与野山羊

The Shepherd and the WlOf牧羊人与狼

The Shepherd’s Boy放羊娃

The Shoemaker Turned Doctor皮鞋匠改做医生

The Sick Deer病鹿

The Sick Lion病狮

The Snake and the Cottager毒蛇与农舍主

The Snake and the Eagle毒蛇与老鹰

The Stag at the Pool泉边的小鹿

The Stag in the Stable牛槽里的赤鹿

The Swallow,the Snake,and the Court of Justice燕子、毒蛇与法庭

The Swollen Fox肚胀的狐狸

The Thief and His Mother小偷与母亲

The Thief and the Innkeeper小偷与旅馆老板

The Thieves and the Cock小偷与公鸡

The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子

The Tortoise and the Eagle乌龟与老鹰

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse城市老鼠与乡村老鼠

The Traveler and His Dog旅客与狗

The Two Pots两只罐子

The Two Soldiers and the Robber两个士兵与强盗

The Two Travelers and the Axe两个行人与斧头

The Vain Jackdaw徒劳的寒鸦

The Wasps,the Partridges,and the Farmer黄蜂、松鸡与农夫

The Wild Ass and the Lion野驴与狮子

The Wolf and the Crane狼与鹤

The Wolf and the Lamb狼与小羊

The Wolf and the Shepherd狼与牧羊人

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing披着羊皮的狼

The Wolves and the Sheep狼与羊群

The Young Cow and the 0x小母牛与公牛

Zeus,Poseidon,Athena,and Momus宙斯、波塞冬、雅典娜与莫墨斯

Hercules and Athena赫尔克里斯与雅典娜

Hermes and the Woodcutter赫耳墨斯与樵夫





























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