Glass is unique among all other materials used in the creation of art. The uniqueness of glass exists in all of the specific qualities that are inherent in the material, plus the aura of mystery that surrounds its historic traditions. As a material it can be clear and transparent, as if non-existent, or it can be dense and opaque like metal or stone. An object made from glass can be sensual and beautiful or it can be downright ugly.
The world of glassmaking has been shrouded in secrecy for centuries. Artigsans guarded their methods for making glass, and many of their secrets went with them to the grave. But, through years of practice, experience and diliggent research, author Lucartha Kohler has unearthed the recipes of the old glass masters (as well as introducing today’s top techniques). Included in this seminal work are sections devoted to:The History of GlassProperties of GlassGlassforming with a FurnaceLampworkingGlassforming with a KilnSurface DecorationCold Working
The Appendix is an invaluable section with information for molds, kilns, annealing, a list of health hazards and supply sources, with an extensive bibliography and glossary. Mso, Dr. Frank E. Wolley has written an article called "Annealing Cast Glass," which includes the chart: "Annealing Schedules for Casting Glasses."
The book is a virtual who’s-who of the glass making world’s finest artists. It features the techniques and finished works of artists such as Frederick Carder, Dale Chihuly, Daniel Clayman, Joseph Cornell, Henri Cros, Dan Dailey, Edris Eckhardt, Marvin Lipofsky, Harvey K. Littleton, Barry Sautgner, Paul J. Stankard and a host of other greats.
Section 1.History:The First 5000 Years
A brief history of glass, especially as it was used to create objects of art .
Section 2.Properties of Glass
Glass as a material. How glass is made. Important characteristics of
glass and why there are such rigid technical procedures
Section 3.Glassforming with a Furnace
A brief history of contemporary glassblowing and casting from
a furnace. Descriptions of several hot casting methods
Section 4.Lampworking
A brief history of lampworking. How its use for scientific apparatus
led to a material for art. Information on using a torch for beads
Section 5.Glassforming with a Kiln
Explanation of casting, fusing and slumping
Section 6.Surface Decoration
Fired enamels, metallic coatings, electroplating, mirroring, gold leaf,
engraving, sandblasting, printing, silk-screen, photo silk screen process,
Section 7.Cold Working
Description of equipment and techniques. Glues for glass
Section 8.A Material in the Service of Art
Why some artists have used glass for their work
"Annealing Cast Glass" by Dr. Frank E. Woolley
Health Hazards
Supply Sources