The concept is a form of mental activity called imaging. It consists of vividly picturing in your mind a desired goal or objective and holding that image until it sinks into your unconsciousness where it releases great untapped energies.
The pages that follow are written in the first person be-cause to have a single narrator is said to lend clarity and unity to a book. But it is misleading because this book is the product of two minds, one masculine and one feminine.My wife, Ruth, and I have worked together for so long that neither of us can function without the other. This is as much her book as mine. It is a team effort all the way through,and I hope the reader will be conscious of that and bestow credit where it is due.
1 Imaging-What It Is and How It Works
2 How the Imaging Idea Grew
3 The Concept That Conquers Problems
4 How Imaging Helps to Bolster a Shaky Ego
5 How to Manage Money Problems
6 Use Imaging to Outwit Worry
7 Image Yourself No Longer Lonely
8 The Three Biggest Steps on the Road to
9 Imaging--Key to Health?
10 The Word That Undermines Marriage
11 The Healing Power of Forgiveness
12 Imaging the Tenseness out of Tension
13 How to Deepen Your Faith
14 Imaging in Everyday Life
15 The Imaging Process in Making and Keeping
The Most Important Image of All