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书名 英语故事大王(一报还一报英汉对照)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 徐莉//王慧芳//罗小姝//董华//房亚非
出版社 青岛出版社




1.The Wise Choice 明智的选择

2.The Most Valuable Thing最有价值的东西

3.Avoiding His Duty逃避责任

4.Which Sledge Is Better? 哪个雪橇更好? 

5.Film Work and Television Work拍电影和拍电视

6.A Middle.aged Professor中年教授

7.A Wonderful Pilot了不起的飞行员

8.Is the wife in Control? 是妻子掌管吗? 

9.Touring South Africa南非之旅

10.I'll Trust You That You Paid我相信你付钱了

11.Two Brothers两兄弟

12.The Biology Teacher生物老师

13.The Korean War Is Over朝鲜战争结束了

14.The Ashamed Soldier惭愧的士兵

15.Brain Transplant脑移植

16.Guns Buried in the Garden埋在花园里的枪

17.A Very Pretty Girl漂亮女孩

18.Jack and Billy杰克和贝利

19.An Anecdote轶事一则

20.Aesop and the Travelers伊索和旅行者

21.A Clever Boy聪明的男孩

22.The Good Fortune好运气

23.A Forgetful Couple健忘夫妻

24.Which Eye Is Blind? 哪只眼睛瞎了?

25.Really Swallowed a Horse? 真的吞下了一匹马? 

26.An Advertisement 一则广告

27.Food and Talk吃饭和谈话

28.Living like a Pig像猪一样地生活

29.A Train Ride火车旅行

30.What Goes Around Comes Around一报还一报

31.Are Blind Pilots Flying? 盲人飞行员

32.A Dimcult Customer难应付的顾客

33.Sausage Sandwiches香肠三明治

34.Where to Find a Listener知音难觅

35.The Motorcycle摩托车

36.The House of 1000 Mirrors千镜之屋

37.Jesse James and the Widow耶西詹姆士与寡妇

38.The Crows Are in the Corn乌鸦在玉米地里

39.The Mango Trees芒果树

40.A Bad Doctor庸医

41.Iegitimate Earning合理收入

42.Bill Gates Met God 比尔盖茨见上帝

43.The Ashlad W110 Made the Princess Tell the Tmth让公主说真话的阿施里德

44.The Peasant Woman Who Was Changed into a Woodpecker变成啄木鸟的农妇

45.The Fox as Herdsman狐狸牧羊人

46.Sleep Well睡个好觉

47.The Cock and the Mouse公鸡和老鼠

48.The Lost Axe丢失的斧子

49.The Faithful Dog and the Serpent忠诚的狗和蛇

50.,rhe Bear Wh0 Married a Woman娶了女人的熊

51.The Dog and the Cock狗和公鸡

52.The Tiger and the Shadow老虎和影子

53.The Story of William Tell威廉泰尔的故事

54.The Trap捕鼠器

55.Why Hawks Have Wings? 为什么老鹰有翅膀?

56.The Best Vegetable of All最好的蔬菜

57.Bungee—Jumping in Mexico在墨西哥蹦极-

58.Dad Will Be Upset爸爸会不安的

59.Fairy Godmother Visits 95-Year—Old Cinderella仙女教母看望95岁的灰姑娘

60.The Doll—maker木偶匠 

61.Why the Frog Croaks? 为什么青蛙嘶哑地呱呱叫? 

62.The Tale of the Bamboo Princess竹林公主的故事

63.The Monkey and the Dolphin猴子和海豚

64.How Dogs Came to Sniff Under Tails?为何狗会去闻尾巴下面?

65.Crow Brings Daylight乌鸦带来光明

66.How the Man Got into the Moon 人是怎么到月亮上的

67.How the Partridge Got His Whistle 鹧鸪如何会吹口哨的

68.Men Visit the Sky人类登天之旅

69.Story of the Rabbits兔子的故事 Flood洪水


72.Do You Know My Work? 你知道我是干什么的吗? 

73.The Flying Machine飞行器



76.How to Call the Police如此报警

77.A Car Thief? 盗车贼? 

78.The Test Submitted婚姻的答卷

79.The Scorpion and the Tortoise蝎子和乌龟

80.An Assassin杀手

81.Heavy Thinking想得太多

82.Mistaken Identity搞错了的身份

83.The Most Valuable Possessions on Earth人世间最宝贵的财富

84.Appointment with Love(I) 赴约(I)

85.Appointment with Love(II) 赴约(II)

86.A Mysterious Dog神犬

87.The Dime一角硬币

88.Johnny’s Teacher小约翰的老师

89.The Interview面试

90.What Do Two Plus Two Equal? 二加二等于几? 

91.Neither Do I我也不知道

92.Career Choice选择职业

93.The Blind Man and the Sun盲人与太阳

94.Blessing or Bane 福兮祸兮

95.An Incredible Indian神奇的印第安人

96.A Kick in the Head踢头

97.Bait Trap诱捕

98.Mere Suggestion纯粹暗示

99.Buy me out给钱就行

100.Natural Laws自然法则

101.Satan’s Humor撒旦的幽默

102.Sick Time Abuse滥请病假

103.New CEO新执行总裁

104.Brain Transplant移植大脑

105.Cookies for the Funeral葬礼甜饼

106.Is Shell Collecting Healthy? 集贝壳能使人健康吗?

107.Come on Guys.We’re Almost There!继续爬,伙计们,我们快到了!

108.A Boy and His Frog小伙子和青蛙





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