This Norton Critical Edition of Chaucer's epic masterpiece is based on Stephen A. Barney's acclaimed text and is accompanied by a facing-page translation of its major source, the Filostrato by Giovanni Boccaccio. Also included are a comprehensive introduction to the poem, marginal glosses, and explanatory footnotes.Together, these supporting materials make Troilus and Criseycle accessible to students with no prior knowledge of Chaucer or Middle English.
The Text of Troilus and Criseyde,
with facing-page Il Filostrato
The Testament of Cresseid by Robert Henryson
c. s. Lewis · What Chaucer Really Did to II Filostrato
Morton W. Bloomfield· Distance and Predestination in
Troilus and Criseyde
E. Talbot Donaldson · The Ending of Troilus
Sheila Delany · Techniques of Alienation in Troilus and
Davis Taylor·The Terms of Love: A Study of Troilus's Style
Richard F. Green·Troilus and the Game of Love
Karla Taylor· Proverbs and the Authentication of
Convention in Troilus and Criseyde
Lee Patterson · Troilus and Criseyde and the Subject of
Louise O. Fradenburg· "Our owen wo to drynke": Loss,
Gender and Chivalry in Troilus and Criseyde
Jill Mann · From Feminizing Chaucer
Selected Bibliography