本书由Francesco Garofalo编写,主要介绍了旅馆建筑施工的各方面要点,包括选址环境、楼群构造特色、内部装修布置、庭院绿化、泳池设计等,图文并茂,解说详细,是旅馆规划设计人士的英文版参考书。
Yet another monograph?
by Francesco Garofalo
Pool House and Sculpture Studio, New York
Berkowitz-Odgis House, Massachusetts
Hybrid Building, Seaside, Florida
Porta Vittoria Park and Botanical Garden,Milan
Competition for the Amerika GedenkBibliothek, Berlin
Spatial Retaining Bars, Phoenix, Arizona
Spiroid Sectors, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Stretto House, Dallas, Texas
Fukuoka Housing
Competition for the Palazzo del Cinema,Venice
Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York
Makuhari Housing, Chiba
"Kiasma" Museum of Contemporary Art,Helsinki
Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle University,Seattle, Washington
Sarphatistraat, Amsterdam
Knut Hamsun Museum, Hamaroi
Higgins Hall School of Architecture,Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,Washington
College of Architecture and LandscapeArchitecture, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, Minnesota
Y House, Catskill Mountains, New York
Whitney Waterworks Park, Hamden,Connecticut
College of Art and Art History,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City,Missouri
Simmons Hall, MIT, Cambridge,
Turbulence House, Abiquiu, New- Mexico
Writing with Light House, Long Island,New York
Biography of Steven Holl
Projects Credits