address noun countable UK [əˈdres] US [ˈæd.res] HOME DETAILS 家庭详细资料 ESSENTIAL ■the number of the house, name of the road and town where a person lives or works and where letters can be sent 地址;住址•her business/home address她的公司地址/家庭住址 •a change of address地址变更 noun countable UK [əˈdres] US [ˈæd.res] COMPUTER 电脑 specialized ■the place where a piece of information is stored in a computer's memory (电脑记忆体储存资讯的)位址 noun countable UK [əˈdres] US [ˈæd.res] SPEAK TO 对…讲话 ■a formal speech 演讲,演说•She gave an address to the Royal Academy.她在皇家艺术院作了场演讲。 noun countable UK [əˈdres] US [ˈæd.res/ Common Learner Errors addressWarning: Check your spelling!Address is one of the 50 words most often spelled wrongly by learners.Remember: the correct spelling has 'dd' and 'ss'. verb transitive /əˈdres/ SPEAK TO 对…讲话 ADVANCED formal ■to speak or write to someone 对…讲话,对…发表演说,致辞;给…写信,致函•He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.他向观众说了几句开场白。 •He likes to be addressed as 'Sir' or 'Mr Partridge'.他喜欢被称为“先生”或“派特里奇先生”。 verb transitive /əˈdres/ DEAL WITH 处理 ADVANCED ■to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem 对付,应付;处理•The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.资金问题尚未得到解决。 verb transitive /əˈdres/ HOME DETAILS 家庭详细资料 ■to write a name or address on an envelope or parcel 在(信封或包裹)上写上姓名(或地址)•The parcel was wrongly addressed.这个包裹上面的地址写错了。 •So why did you open a letter that was addressed to me?那你为甚么要拆写给我的信呢? |