1775年的4月19日, 致命早晨的游艺, 英国的战士前进出于波士顿占领和毁坏殖民地军火储备在一致。虽然历史不记录谁实际上射击第一射击在列克星敦绿色,这里它被推测这个小冲突由一个殖民地狂热者创始命名Solomon Chandler。在一致以后, 杂货商主角ambushes反对被证明是段落一个惊恐礼拜式为15岁的亚当木桶匠, 被召集的儿子爱国和prinicipled 农夫的撤退的英国。
When you read this novel about19th, 1775, you will see the British red-coats marching in a solid column throughyour town. Your hands will be sweatingand you will shake a little as you grip yourmusket because never before have youshot with the aim of killing a man. Butyou will shoot, and shoot again and againwhile your shoulder aches from your mus-ket"s kick and the tight, disciplined redcolumn bleeds and wavers and breaks andyou begin to shout at the top of your lungsbecause you are there, there at the birthof freedom-you"re a veteran of the Battleof Lexington and you"ve helped whip theKing"s best soldiers……