WITH HIS huge footprints and his "grumbly rumbly" voice, Buster Bear struck fear in the hearts of all the creatures who lived in the Green Forest upon his arrival there. But when they saw Buster get into trouble trying to steal blueberries from Farmer Brown's boy, they realized that their new neighbor was not so very different from the rest of them.
When Buster Bear comes to live in the Green Forest, the amiable bully stirs up quite a commotion, for bears haven"t lived in the forest for years. And sure enough, before long Buster has a series of run-ins with Little Joe Otter, Chatterer the Red Squirrel, Farmer Brown"s Boy and even a stubborn metal pail!
These and other entertaining escapades are delightfully re counted in this engaging tale. Set in a timeless world of bubbling brooks, blue skies and green groves, the story also teaches valuable lessons on the dangers of greed, pride and insensitivity. The text, printed in large easy-to-read type, is enhanced by six charming illustrations, based on originals by Harrison Cady.
I. Buster Bear Goes Fishing
II. Little Joe Otter Gets Even with
Buster Bear
III. Buster Bear is Greatly Puzzled
IV. Little Joe Otter Supplies Buster
Bear with a Breakfast
V. Grandfather Frog"s Common Sense
VI. Little Joe Otter Takes Grandfather
Frog"s Advice
VII. Farmer Brown"s Boy Has No Luck
at All
VIII. Farmer Brown"s Boy Feels His Hair
IX. Little Joe Otter Has Great News
to Tell
X. Buster Bear Becomes a Hero
XI. Blacky the Crow Tells His Plan
XII. Farmer Brown"s Boy and Buster
Bear Grow Curious
XIII. Farmer Brown"s Boy and Buster
Bear Meet
XIV. A Surprising Thing Happens
XV. Buster Bear Is a Fallen Hero
XVI. Chatterer the Red Squirrel Jumps
for His Life
XVII. Buster Bear Goes Berrying
XVIII. Somebody Else Goes Berrying
XIX. Buster Bear Has a Fine Time
XX. Buster Bear Carries Off the Pail of
Farmer Brown"s Boy
XXI. Sammy Jay Makes Things Worse
for Buster Bear
XXII. Buster Bear Has a Fit of Temper
XXIII. Farmer Brown"s Boy Lunches on