War and Peace is a vast epic centred on Napoleon’s war with Russia. While it expresses Tolstoy’s view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters.
Three of these, the artless and delightful Natasha Rostov, the world-weary Prince Andrew Bolkonsky and the idealistic Pierre Bezukhov illustrate Tolstoy’s philosophy in this novel of unquestioned mastery.
This translation is the one which received Tolstoy’s approval.
Anna Scherer’s soiree
Pierre at Prince Andrew’s
Pierre at Anatole Kurdgin ’s. Dolokhov’s bet
A nameday at the Rostovs’
Natdsha and Boris
Anna Mikbavlovna and Boris go to the dying Count Bezukbov’s
Pierre at his father’s house; talks with Boris
Countess Rostova and Anna Mikhdylovna
Dinner at the Rostovs’. Marya Dmitrievna
Sonya and Natasba. Nicholas sings. The ’Daniel Cooper’
At Count Bezukbov’s. Prince Vasili and Caticbe
Anna Mikbdylovna and Pierre at Count Bez~khov’s
Anna Mikbdylovna and Catiche struggle for the inlaid portfolio
Bald Hills. Prince Bolk6nski. Princess Mary’s correspondence with Tulie Kardgina
Prince Andrew at Bald Hills
Prince Andrew leaves to join the army. Princess Mary gives him an icon
Review near Braunau. Zberkov and D6lokbov
Kutuzov and an Austrian general. ’Le malbeureux Mack’Zherk6v’ s foolery
Nicholas and Denisov. Telyanin and the missing purse
Nicholas in trouble with bis fellow-officers
Crossing the Enns. Burning the bridge. Rostov’s baptism of fire
Prince Andrew sent with despatches to the Austrian Court.The Minister of War
Prince Andrew and Bilibin
Hippolyte Kurdgin and ’les notres’
Prince Andrew received by the Emperor Francis.Bilibin’s story of the Tbabor Bridge
Prince Andrew returm" to Kutuzov. Bagration sent to Hollabriinn.Napoleon’s letter to Murat
Prince Andrew reports to Bagration. Captain Tusbin.Soldiers at the front. Dolokhov talks to a French grenadier
Prince Andrew surveys the position. The first shot
Bagrati6n in action. Tushin’s battery. Setting SchWa Grabern on fire.
Battle scenes. Quarrelsome commanders. Nicholas injured
Panic. Timokhin’s counterattack. Do1okhov’s insistence. Tuhin’s battery. Prince Andrew sent to order him to retreat
WithdraWal of the forces. Nicholas rides on a gun carriage. Tushin called to account by Bagration. Prince Andrew defends him. Depression of Nicholas
Prince Vasili and Pierre. A soiree at Anna Pdvlovna’s. Heleve’s nameday. Pierre’s marriage
Prince Vasili and Anatole visit Prince Bolkonski. Princess Mary’s appearance
Lise, Mademoiselle Bourienne, Mary, Anatole and old Bolkonski
Her father’s opposition to Mary’s marrying. She finds Mademoiselle Bourienne and Anatole in the conservatory. Declines marriage
A letter from Nicholas. Sonya and Natdsha Nicholas visits Boris and Berg in camp. Nicholas tells of Schon Grabern.His encounter with Prince Andrew
The mperor s review of the army. Enthusiasm of Nicholas
Boris visits Prince Andrew at Olmiitz. Prince Dolgorukov
Nicholas not in the action at Wischau. The Emperor. Nicholas’s devotion to him
Preparations for action. Dolgorukov’s opinion of Napoleon and of his position. Kutuzov’s depression
The Council of War. Weyrother’s plans. Kutuzov sleeps. Prince Andrew’s reflections
Rostov at the front. Visit of Bagration and Dolgorukov. Rostov sent to reconnoitre. Napoleon’s proclamation
Battle of Austerlitz. Prince Andrew badly wounded
Nicholas home on leave
Preparations for Club dinner
The dinner. Bagration as guest of honour
Pierre challenges Dolokhov
The duel
Pierre’s separation from Helene
Andrew considered dead
Lise’ s confinement. Andrew arrives
Death of Lise
Denisov and Dolokhov at the Rostovs’
Sonya declines Do1okhov’s proposal
Iogel’s ball. Denisov’s mazurka
Nicholas loses 43,ooo rubles to Dolokbov
Nicholas at home. Natdsha sings
Nicholas tells his father of his losses. Denisov proposes to Natdsha