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书名 | 国际政治的社会理论/世界政治与国际关系原版影印丛书 |
分类 | 人文社科-政治军事-国际关系 |
作者 | (美)亚历山大·温特 |
出版社 | 北京大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 这是一部优秀的、内容广泛的、极其启发性的著作。本书提出的主论点是:社会共有观念建构了国际体系的结构并使这种结构具有动力。其中温特颇具特色地把科学实在论、整体论以及他所说的"理念主义"相结合,这必将激发很多的讨论和交流,并且必将引发大量思考。本书必将成为国际关系领域的经典著作,成为大学生阅读的标准读物。 内容推荐 借鉴哲学和社会学理论,《国际政治的社会理论》一书发展了一套国际体系的社会建构理论。亚历山大·温特阐述了建构原则的中心要求,提出了相对于个体主义和物质主义--如今国际关系理论的主流本体论--的建构理念主义的世界观。他构筑了一个国际政治的文化理论,该理论使得国家--无论它们彼此间是看作敌人、竞争对手还是朋友--成为其中的一个基本的决定性因素。这些不同的角色由不同的 "无政府状态文化"所构成,就像霍布斯式、洛克式和康德式这三种独立的宏观层次国际政治文化分别描述的那样。无政府文化是一种国家控制的共有观念,这种思想影响着国家权力的含义和国家利益的内容,并且在国际体系中产生了行为趋势。这部著作描述了驱使一种无政府文化向另一种无政府文化转变的四个因素--相互依存、共同命运、同质化以及自我约束--并且把它们与资本主义和民主在时兴康德文化的西方所扮演的角色联系起来。 目录 Acknowledgements page×iii 1 Four sociologies of international politics 1 PartI Social theory 2 Scientific realism and social kinds 47 3"Ideas all the way down?":on the constitution ofpower and interest 92 4 Structure,agency,and culture 139 Part II International politics 5 The state and the problem of corporate agency 193 6 Three cultures of anarchy 246 7 Process and structural change 313 8 Conclusion 370 Bibliography 379 Index 420 序言 In this book I develop a theory of the intemational system as a social construction.Since the term is used in many ways,the first half of the book is a conceptual annlysis of what I mean by"social construction." The issues here are philosophical and may be unfamiliar to some students of mternational politics.However,I have tried throughout to be as clear as possible,keeping in mind a comment James Caporaso made about my first pubHcation in 1987,that"there is nothing SO profound here that it cannot be said in ordinary language."I cannot really say that what follows is"ordinary language,"but his plea for clarity has become for me an important demand of this kind of work.The other half of the book is a theory of international politics based on that philosophical analysis.Juxtaposed to the Realisms that tend to dominate at least North ArneriCan IR scholarship,this theory is a kind of Idealism,a Structural Idealism,although I refer t0 it only as a constructivist approach to international politics.AS such,the book might be seen overall as a work of applied social theory.mjle not reducible to social theory,many debates m氓have a social theory aspect.My hope is that even when the arguments below prove problematic,the contours of those issues will have been brought into sharper relief. I approach this material as a political scientist.which is to say that I have little formal training in social theory,the primary annlytical tool of this study.To address this problem I have read broadly but without much guidance,in mostly contemporary philosophy and sociology.To credit these sources I have followed a generous citation Policy,even if specialists-in IR and social theory alike-will still find much that is missing.By the same token,howeve~it was not possible here to properly address all of that scholarship。The bibliography should be seen as a resource for further reading rather than as a measure of what I have seriously engaged. Over the long course of writing this book I have acquired a number of significant debts. The book is descended from a dissertation done at the University of Minnesota,was mostly written at Yale University,and then completed at Dartmouth College.I am grateful for the tinle and support provided by all of these institution.Among many esteemed colleagues I have benefitted espedally from the advice and role models 0f DIavid Lumsdaine,Ian Shapiro,and Rogers Smith. The most sustained debt is to my classmates in the"Minnesota School"of cons~ucfivistaf and especially Mike Barnett,Mark Laffey, Rhona Leibel,and Jutta Weldes.Although their thicker constructivisms should not be identified with the thin one on offer below,this book is in a real sense a joint product of our conversations over the past 15 years. For most of the book"S writing my graduate students at Yale were my primary intellectual community and reality check,particularly the "third year class"of Janice Bially,Steve Brooks,Ian Coope~Ian Hurd and Roland Paris.Many of the formulations below,and many more that failed,were first tried on them. I am especially grateful to the following individuals. My Parents,Hans and Martha,who constructed me to write such a book. Charles Green,0f Macalester College,who first showed me the value of taking a philosophical approach to politics. David Sylvan,who taught me about constitution and told me to read Mead;the book WOuld have been better had I read Simmel as well. Steve Smith,of Aberystwyth,who first suggested 1 write the book, gave me a venue to publish it,and provided invaluable support throughout the process. Nina Tannenwald,who when my enthusiasm waned impressed upon me the need to Keep going· Mike Barnett(again),whose unflagging humor and regular phone calls helped keep me in perspective. M1ada Bukovansky,who talked me through the first draft and gave me a life in the second.Whatever dialectical elements there are below-and there are not enough-are due to her. Jennifer Mitzen,who gave the book its finish.The trust I had in her critical eye made it possible to let the book go. Most of those named above also provided comments on 0ne or more chapters·Many other people provided helpful and sometimes extensive input as well.They include Badredine Arfi,Tom Banchoff, David Dessler,Marty Finnemore,Rod Hall,Martin Hollis,Pat Jackson,Ron Jepperson,Peter Katzenstein,Bob Keohane,Jeff Legro, Andy Moravcsik,Bill McSweeny,Himadeep Muppidi,Henry Nau, Brad Westerfield,and probably others,to whom I can only apologize for the state of my records.Finally,there are the many now anonymous individuals at the numerous seminars where this material has Deen presented,who asked questions that forced me to think harder.The book is much better for all of this help. The book is dedicated to Raymond(Bud)Duvall,dissertation advisor and father of the Minnesota Sch001.He cannot be blmed for all of what follows,but without him the book would not have been witten. 书评(媒体评论) 本书提出的主论点是:社会共有观念建构了国际体系的结构并使这种结构具有动力。这一论点对政策的重要意义是.国家之间原则上可以成为朋友。 --亚历山大·温特、本书中文版前言 《国际政治的社会理论》一书注定要成为国际关系理论领域也许是最具争议性的著作. --《泰晤士报文学副刊》(Times Literary Supplement) 这是一部优秀的、内容广泛的、极其启发性的著作。温特的论述是丰富,多变而令人着迷的。我向所有认真对待学术的国际关系领域的学者和研究生们强烈推荐这部著作, 一一《国际事务》(International Affairs) 亚历山大·温特的这本书必将成为国际关系领域的经典著作;成为大学生阅读的标准读物。温特颇具特色地把科学实在论、整体论以及他所说的"理念主义"(ideattsm)相结合,这必将激发很多的讨论和交流,并且必将引发大量思考。 --一罗伯特·基欧汉,《国际研究评论》(Review of International Studies) 在建构主义的发展过程中。最具影响的理论学者是亚历山大·温特。他的《国际政治的社会理论》一书全面提出了建构主义国际关系理论体系。 --秦亚青;本书中文版译者前言 温特这部书在出版之前就已经引起了掌术界很大的关注。其原因很简单、即温特是国际政治理论中的建构主义学派的一个突出代表人物,这部书是其学说的集中表述。 --张小明,《社际政治研究的社会学视角》一文 |
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