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书名 | 宏观经济学原理/高等学校经济学类英文版教材 |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-成人教育 |
作者 | (美国)曼昆 |
出版社 | 高等教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 要理解和掌握经济学的逻辑和思维方法,就需要对经济学原理或基础知识进行系统的学习,而经济学教科书的内容总是与特定时代相联系的,因此经济学教科书的内容既是历史精华的浓缩,也是时代进步和思想演进的体现,本书简洁明快、有趣的文字和层次分明的内在逻辑使之成为最便捷和最实用的经济学入门教材。 内容推荐 由主流经济学家来撰写标准经济学教科书,并且试图影响经济学界内外乃至整个社会,是经济学界由来已久的传统。由哈佛大学经济学教授N·格里高利·曼昆编写的经济学教科书系列是当今世界上最畅销的经济学基础教材,目前已经被翻译成多种语言文字,成为许多国家的大学经济学通用教材,并且被数以百万计的经济学教师、学生和其他读者所使用。它简洁明快、有趣的文字和层次分明的内在逻辑吸引了成千上万对经济学尚无任何了解的读者,成为最便捷和最实用的经济学入门教材。 目录 HOW People Make Decisions 3 Principle1:People Face Tradeoffs 3 Principle2:The Cost of Something IsWhatYouGiveUPtoGetIt 4 Principle3:Rational People Think at the Margin 5 Principle:People Respond to Incentives 6 How People Interact 7 Principle5:Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off 7 Principle:Markets Are Usually a Good Wav to Organize Economic Activity 8 FYl:Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand 9 Principle7:Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes 9 HOW the Economy as a mole Works 10 Principle:A Country’S Standard of Living Depends on Its Ability to Produce Goods and Services 10 Principle9:Prices Rise When the Government Prints ToOMuchMoney 11 Principle10:Society Faces a Short—Run Tradeoff between Inflation and Unemployment 1 2 FVl:How to Read This Book 13 Conclusion 1 4 Summary 14 Key Concepts 15 Questions for Review 1 5 Problems and Applications 1 5 CHAPTER 2 THINKING LIKE AN ECONOMIST 1 7 The Economist as Scientist 1 8 The Scientific Method:Observation,Theory,and More Observation 19 The Role of Assumptions 19 Economic Models 20‘ Our First Modd:The Circular—Flow Diagram 2 1 Our Second IV~odel:The Production Possibilities Frontier 22 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 24 The Economist as Policy Adviser 26 Positive versus Normative Analysis 26 Economists in Washington 27 Why Economists Disagree 27 Differences in Scientific Judgments 28 Differences in Values 28 Perception versus Reality 28 Summary 30 Key Concepts 30 Questions for Review 30 Problems and Applications 30 eAPTER 3 lTRDEPNDEeAND THE GAINS FROMADE 3i A Parable for the Modern Economy 33 Production Possibilities 33 The Principle of Comparative Advantage 35 Absolute Advantage 3 6 Opportunity Cost and Comparative Advantage 37 Comparative Advantage and Trade 38 Applications of Comparative Advantage 39 Should Tiger Woods Mow His Own Lawn?39 Should the United States Trade with Other Countries?40 Conclusion 41 Summary 41 Key Concepts 41 Questions for Review 41 Problems and Applications 41 CHAPTER 4 ‘ THEARKET FORCES OF SUPPANDAND 44 Markets and Competition 45 Competitive Markets 45 Competition:Perlect and Otherwise 45 Demand 46 The Demand Curve:The Relationship between Price and Quantity Demanded 46 Market Demand versus Individual Demand 47 Shifts in the Demand Curve 48 CASE STUDY:Two Ways to Reduce the Quantity of Smoking Demanded 51 Supply 52 The Supply Curve:The Relationship between Price and Quantity Supplied 52 Market Supply versus Individual Supply 53 Shifts in the Supply Curve 54 , Supply and Demand Together 56 Equilibrium 56 Three Steps to Analyzing Changes in Equilibrium 58 Conclusion:How Prices Allocate Resources 63 Summary 64 Kev Concepts 65 Ouestions for Review 65 Problems and Applications 66 The Elasticity of Demand 70 The Price Elasticity of Demand and Its Determinants 70 Computing the Price Elasticity of Demand 71 The Midpoint Method:A Better Way to Calculate Percen~ge Changes and Elasticities 72 CASE STUDY:Pricing Admission to a Museum 74 On the Road with Elasticity 74 Other Demand Elasticities 75 The Elasticity of Supply 76 The Price Elasticity of Supply and Its Determinants 76 Computing the Price Elasticity of Supply 77 The Variety of Supply Curves 77 Three Applications of Supply,Demand,and Elastici80 Can Good News for Farming Be Bad News for Farmers?80 Why Did OPEC Fail to Keep the Price of Oil High?82 Does Drug Interdiction Increase or Decrease Drug—Related Crime?83 Conclusion 84 Summary 85 Key Concepts 86 Questions for Review 86 Problems and Applications 86 Controls on Prices 90 How Price Ceilings Affect Market Outcomes 90 CASE STUDY:Lines at the Gas Pump 92 How Price Floors Affect Market Outcomes 93 l NWS:Does a Drought Need to Cause a Water Shortage? 94 CASE STUDY=The Minimum Wage 96 Evaluating Price Controls 97 Taxes 98 How Taxes on Buyers Affect Market Outcomes 98 How Taxes on Sellers Affect Market Outcomes 1 00 CASE STUDY:Who Pays the Luxury 1"ax? 1 Conclusion 1 02 Summary 103 Kev Concepts 1 03 Questions for Review 103 Problems and Applications 104 Consumer Surplus 1 09 Willingness to Pay 1 09 Using the Demand Curve to Measure Consumer Surplus 110 How a Lower Price Raises Consumer Surplus 11 1 What Does Consumer Surplus Measure?1 12 Producer Surplus 1 14 Cost and the Willingness to Sell 1 14 Using the Supply Curve to Measure Producer Surplus 1 1 5 How a Higher Price Raises Producer Surplus 1 1 7 Market Efficiency 118 The Benevolent Social Planner 1 1 8 Evaluating the Market Equilibrium 1 1 9 l:Ticket Scalping 1 22 Conclusion:Market Efficiency and Market Failure 1 23 Summary 1 24 Key Concepts 1 24 The Deadweight Loss of Taxation 1 28 How a Tax Affects Market Participants 1 29 Deadweight Losses and the Gains from Trade 1 31 The Determinants of the Deadweight Loss 1 32 CASE STUDY:The Deadweight Loss Debate 134 Deadweight Loss and Tax Revenue as Taxes Vary 135 FYI:Henry George and the Land Tax 1 36 CASE STUDY:The Laffer Curve and Supply—Side Economics 1 37 Conclusion 1 39 Summary 140 Key Concepts 140 Ouestions for Review 140 Problems and Applications 140 The Determinants 0f 1lade 1 43 The Equilibrium without Trade 1 43 The Worid Price and Comparative Advantage 1 44 The Winnel~and Losers from Trade 1 45 The Gains and Losses of an Exporting Country 1 45 The Gains and Losses of an Importing Country 1 47 The Effects of a Tariff 149 l:Life in Isoland 1 51 TheEffectsofanImportQuota 152 The Arguments for Restricting Trade 1 54 FYl:Other Benefits of International Trade 1 55 The Jobs Argument 1 55 The National—Security Argument 1 56 The Infant-Industry Argument 1 56 The Unfair-Competition Argument 1 56 The Protection-as-a—Bargaining—Chip Argument 1 57 CASE STUDY:Trade Agreements and the Worid Trade Organization 1 57 :Globalization 1S8 Conclusion 1 59 Summary 160 . Key Concepts 1 61 Questions for Review 1 61 Problems and Applications 1 61 The Economy"s Income and Expenditure 165 The Measurement of Gross Domestic Product 1 67 FY l:Other Measures of Income 1 67 The Components of GDP 168 Consumption 168 Investment 1 69 Government Purchases 1 69 Net Exports 169 CASE STU D Y=The Components of U.S.GDP 1 70 Real versus Nominal GDP A Numerical Example 1 71 The GDP Deflator 172 CASE STUDY:Real GDP over Recent Historv 173 l:GDP Lightens Up 174 GDP and Economic WeIl。Being 175 CASE STU D Y=International Differences in GDP and the Quality of Life 176 CASE STU DY:Who Wins at the Olympics? 177 Conclusion 1 78 Summary 178 Kev Concepts 179 Questions for Review 1 79 Problems and Applications 1 79 The Consumer Price Index 183 How the Consumer Price Index Is Calculated 1 83 Fyl:What Is in the CPI’S Basket? 185 Problems in Measuring the Cost of Living 1 86 ;THE NER05:Shopping for the CPI 187 The GDP Deflator versus the Consumer Price Index 189 Correcting Economic Variables for the Effects of Inflation 190 Dollar Figures from Different Tirues 1 90 CASE STUDY:Mr.Index Goes to Hollywood 19 1 Indexation 191 Real and Nominal Interest Rates 1 92 Conclusion 1 94 Summary 194 Key Concepts 195 Questions for Review 1 9 5 Problems and Applications 1 9 5 Economic Growth around the World 1 99 Fl Are You Richer Than the Richest American? 201 Productivity:Its Role and Determinants 201 Whv Productivitv Is So Important 201 How Productivity Is Determined 202 i The Production Function 204 eAS0V:Are Natural Resources a Limit to Growth? 205 Economic Growth and Public Policy 206 The Importance of Saving and Investment 206 Diminishing Returns and the Catch—Up Effect 207 Investment from Abroad 208 i?l Promoting Human Capital 209 Education 21 0 Property Rights and Political Stability 211 FreeTrade 212 Research and Development 213 CAS E SDY:The Productivity Slowdown and Speedup 213 Population Growth 21 5 A Solution to Africa’s Problems 2、7 Conclusion:The Importance of Long-Run Growth 219 Summary 219 Kev Concepts 21 9 0uestions for Review 220 Problems and Applications 220 Financial Institutions in the U.S.Economy 2 23 Financial Markets 223 Financial Intermediaries 225 Summing Up 227 ji|FinanceinCIhina 227 Saving and Investment in the National Income Accounts 228 Some Important Identities 228 · The Meaning of Saving and Investment 230 The Market for Loanable Funds 230 Supply and Demand for Loanable Funds 231 Policy 1:Saving Incentives 233 Policy 2:Investment Incen~ves 234 Policy 3:Government Budget Deficits and Surpluses 235 CASE STUDY:The History of U.S.Government Debt 237 Conclusion 239 Summary 240 , Kev Concepts 240 ouestions for Review 240 Problems and Applications 241 Present Value: ’ Measuring the Time Value of Money 244 The Magic of Compounding and the Rule of 70 245 Managing Risk 246 Risk Aversion 246 The Markets for Insurance 247 Diversification of Idiosyncratic Risk 248 The Tradeoff between Risk and Return 250 Asset Valuation 251 Fundamental Analysis 251 The Efficient Markets Hypothesis 252 Market Irrationality 253 Some Lessons from Enron 253 Conclusion 254 Summary 255 Kev Concepts 255 ouestions for Review 256 Problems and Applications 256 Identifying Unemployment 259 How Is Unemployment Measured? 259 CASE STUDY:Labor-Force Participation of Men and Women in the U.S.Economy 263 Does the Unemployment Rate Measure What We Want It To?264 How Long Are the Unemployed without Work?264 Whv Are There Always Some People Unemployed?266 lob Search 266 Why Some Frictional Unemployment Is Inevitable 267 Public Policy and Job Search 267 Unemployment Insurance 268 l:German Unemployment 269 Minimum—Wage Laws 270 Unions and Collective Bargaining 272 The Economics of Unions 272 Are Unions Good or Bad for the Economy?273 Should You Toin a Union? 274 The Theory of Efficiency Wages 275 Worker Health 275 Worker Turnover 275 Worker Effort 276 Worker Quality 276 CASE STUDY:Henry Ford and the Very Generous 277 $5一a—Day Wage Conclusion 278 Summary 278 Key Concepts 279 Questions for Review 279 Problems and Applications 279 The Meaning of Money 283 The Functions of Money 283 The Kinds of Money 284 ’ Money in the U.S.Economy 285 FCredit Cards,Debit Cards,and Money 286 CASE STUDY=Where Is All the Currency7 286 The Federal Reserve System 287 The Fed’S Organization 288 The Federal Open Market Committee 288 Banks and the Money Supply 289 The Simple Case of 100一Percent—Reserve Banking 290 Money Creation with Fractional-Reserve BanNng 290 The Money Multiplier 291 The Fed’S Tools of Monetary Control 293 PmbIems in Cpntrolling the Money Supply 294 CASE STUDY:Bank Runs and the Monev Supplv Conclusion 296 Summary 296 Key Concepts 297 Questions for Review 297 Problems and Applications 297 Money Supply,Money Demand,and Monetary Equilibrium 301 The Effects of a Monetary Injection 3 03 A Brief Look at the Adjustment Process 304 The Classical Dichotomy and Monetary Neutrality 305 Velocit、,and the Quantity Equation 307 CASE STUDY:Money and Prices during Four 308 Hvperinnations TheInflationTaX 310 l Russia Turns to the Inflation Tax 311 The Fisher Effect 311 The Costs of Inflation 313 A Fall in Purchasing Power?The Inflation Fallacy 313 Shoeleather Costs 3 1 4 Menu Costs 315 Relative—Price Variability and the Misallocation of Resources 31 5 Inflation—Induced Tax Distortions 316 Confusion and Inconvenience 31 7 NEWS:The Hyperinflation in Serbia 318 A Special Cost of Unexpected Inflation: Arbitrary Redistributions of Wealth 318 l How to Protect Your Savings from Inflation 320 Conclusion 321 Summary 321 Kev Concepts 322 Questions for Review 322 Problems and Applications 322 The International Flows of Goods and Capital 327 The Flow of Goods:Exports,Imports,and Net Exports 327 CASE STUDY:The Increasing Openness of the U.S.Economy 328 The Flow of Financial Resources: Net Capital Outflow 329 The Equalitv of Net Exports and Net Capital Outflow 330 How the Chinese Help American Home Buyers 331 Saving,Investment,and Their Relationship to the International Flows 332 Summing UP 333 CASE SUDIs the U.S.Trade Deficit a National Problem? 334 The Prices for International Transactions: Real and Nominal Exchange Rates 336 Nominal Exchange Rates 336 Real Exchange Rares 337 j The Euro 339 A First Theory of Exchange-Rate Determination: Purchasing.Power PariW 339 The Basic Logic of Purchasing—Power Parity 340 Implications of Purchasing—Power Parity 340 DY:The Nominal Exchange Rate during a HvDerinnation 342 Limitations of Purchasing—Power Parity 343 CASE SDV The Hamburger Standard 343 Conclusion 344 Summarg 345 Kev Concepts 345 Questions for Review 345 Problems and Applications 345 Supply and Demand for Loanable Funds and for Foreign—Currency Exchange 348 The Market for Loanable Funds 348 The Market for Foreign—Currency Exchange 350 7Purchasing—Power Parity as a Special Case 3 5 2 Equilibrium in the Open Economy 3 5 3 Net Capital Outflow:The Link between the TwoMarkets 353 Simultaneous Equilibrium in Two Markets 354 How Policies and Events Affect an Open Economy 356 Government Budget Deficits 3 5 6 Trade Policy 358 Political Instability and Capital Flight 3 61 Conclusion 364 Summary 364 Key Concepts 365 Questions for Review 365 Problems and Applications 3 66 Three Key Facts about Economic Fluctuations 3,1 Fact 1:Economic Fluctuations Are Irregular and Unpredictable 3 7 1 Fact 2:Most Macroeconomic Quantities Fluctuate Together 3 7 1 The Trash Indicator 373 Fact 3:As Output Falls,Unemployment Rises 3 74 Explaining Short-Run Economic Fluctuations 3 74 How the Short Run Differs from the LongRun 374 The Basic Model of Economic Fluctuations 3 75 The Aggregate—Demand Curve 3 76 Why the Aggregate—Demand Curve Slopes Downward 3 76 Why the Aggregate—Demand Curve Might Shift 378 The Aggregate—Supply Curve 381 Why the Aggregate—Supply Curve ls Vertical in the Long Run 381 Why the Long--Run Aggregate—_Supply Curve Might Shift 382 A New Way to Depict Long—Run Growth and Inflation 384 Why the Aggregate—Supply Curve Slopes Upward in the Short Run 385 Why the Short—·Run Aggregate‘_Supply Curve Might Shift 387 Two Causes of Economic Fluctuations 389 The Effects of a Shift in Aggregate Demand 389 CASE STUDY:Two Big Shifts in Aggregate Demand: The Great Depression and World War II 392 eu0Y=The Recession of 2001 393 The Effects of a Shift in Aggregate Supply 394 CASE STUDY:Oil and the Economy 396 ii’The Origins of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 397 Conclusion 398 Summary 398 Key Concepts 399 Questions for Review 399 Problems and Applications 400 How Monetary Policy Influences Aggregate Demand 403 The Theory of Liquidit、,Preference 404 Interest Rates in the Long Run and the Short Run 406 The Downward Slope of the Aggregate—Demand Curve 407 Changes in the Money Supply 408 The Role of Interest-Rate Targets in Fed Policv 4 1 0 CASE STUDY:Why the Fed Watches the Stock Market (and Vice Versa)410 How Fiscal Policy Influences Aggregate Demand 4 1 2 Changes in Government Purchases 4 1 2 The Multiplier Effect 4 1 2 A Formula for the Spending Multiplier 4 1 3 Otiler Applications of the Multiplier Effect 4 1 5 The Crowding—Out Effect 4 1 5 Changes in Taxes 416 i‘How Fiscal Policy Might Affect Aggregate Supply 4 1 7 Using Policy to Stabilize the Economy 41 8 The Case for Active Stabilization Policy 4 1 8 CASE STUDY:Keynesians in the White House 419 The Case against Active Stabilization Policv 420 Automatic Stabilizers 4 2 1 The Independence of the Federal Reserve 4 2 1 Conclusion 4 23 Summary 424 Key Concepts 424 Questions for Review 424 Problems and Applications 425 The Phillips Curve 428. Origins of the Phillips Curve 428 Aggregate Delmand,Aggregate Supply,and the Phillips Curve 429 Shifts in the Phillips Curve:The Role of Expectations 431 The Long—Run Phillips Curve 431 Expectations and the Short—Run Phillips Curve 434 The Natural Experiment for the Natural—Rate Hypothesis 436 Shifts in the Phillips Curve:The Role of Supply Shocks 438 The Cost of Reducing Inflation 4 4 1 The Sacrifice Ratio 441 Rational Expectations and the Possibility of Costless Disinflation 442 The Volcker Disinflation 443 The Greenspan Era 445 CASE STUDY:Why Were Inflation and Unemployment SoLow atthe End ofthel990s?446 TheCaseforInflationTargeting 447 Conclusion 449 Summary 449 Kev Concepts 450 Questions for Review 450 Problems and Applications 450 Should Monetary and Fiscal Policymakers Try to Stabilize the Economy?455 Pro:Policymakers Should Try to Stabilize the Economv 4 55 Con:Policymakers Should Not Try to Stabilize the Economy 4 5 5 Should Monetary Policy Be Made by Rule Rather Than by Discretion?456 Pro:Monetary Policy Should Be Made by Rule 4 5 7 Con:Monetary Policy Should Not Be Made by Rule 458 Should the Central Bank Aim for Zero Inflation?459 Pro:The Central Bank Should Aim for Zero Inflation 459 Con:The Central Bank Should Not Aim for Zero Inflation 460 Should the Government Balance Its Budget?461 Pro:The Government Should Balance Its Budget 461 Con:The Government Should Not Balance Its Budget 463 Should the Tax Laws Be Reformed to Encourage Saving?464 Pro:The Tax Laws Should Be Reformed to Encourage Saving 464 Con:The Tax Laws Should Not Be Reformed to Encourage Saving 466 Conclusion 466 Summary 467 Questions for Review 468 Problems and Applications 468 Glossary 471 试读章节 Case Study ARE NATURAL RESOURCES A LIMIT TO GROWTH? The world’s population is far larger today than it was a century ago,and many people are enjoying a much higher standard of living.A perennial debate concerns whether this growth in population and living standards can continue in the future. Many commentators have argued that natural resources provide a limit to how much the world’s economies can grow.At first,this argument might seem hard to ignore.If the world has only a fixed supply of nonrenewable natural resources.how can population f production?and living standards continue to grow over time? Eventually,won’t supplies of o订and minerals start to run out?When these shortages start to occur,wonj t they stop economic growth and?perhaps f even force living standards to fall? Despite the apparent appeal of such arguments,most economists are less concerned about such limits to growth than one might guess.They argue that technological progress often yields ways to avoid these limits.If we compare the economy today to the economy of the past,we see various ways in which the use of natural resources has improved.Modern cars have better gas mileage.New houses have better insulation and require less energY to heat and c001 them.More efficient oil rigs waste less Oil in the process of extraction.Recycling allows some nonrenewable resources to be reused.The development of alternative fuels,such as ethanol instead of gasoline,allows us to substitute renewable for nonrenewable resources. Fifty years ago,some conservationists were concerned about the excessive use of tin and copper.At the time.these were crucial commodities:Tin was used to make many food containers,and copper was used to make telephone wire.Some people advocated mandatory recycling and rationing of tin and copper so that supplies would be available for future generations.Today,however,plastic has replaced tin as a material for making many food containers,and phone calls oftentravel over fiber—optic cables,which are made from sand.Technological progress has made once crucial natural resources less necessary. But are all these efforts enough to permit continued economic growth?0ne wav to answer this question is to look at the prices of natural resources.In a market economy,scarcity is reflected in market prices.If the world were running out of natural resources,then the prices of those resources would be rising over time.But,in fact,the opposite is more nearly true.The prices of most natural resources(adjusted for overall inflation)are stable or falling.It appears that our ability to conserve these resources is growing more rapidly than their supplies are dwindling.Market prices give noreasonto.believe that natural resources are a limit to economic growth. ——第205页 序言 自教育部在《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》【教高(2001)4号】中提出双语教学的要求后,各地高校相继开设了一系列双语教学课程。这对提高学生的学科和外文水平,开阔国际视野,培养创新型人才起到了重要的作用;一大批教师也逐渐熟悉了外文授课,自身的教学水平和能力得到较大提高,具备国际学术思维的中青年教师脱颖而出。同时,经过近几年的双语教学实践,国外原版教材量大、逻辑不够清晰、疏离中国现实等问题也影响了双语教学的效果。因此,对外版教材进行本土化的精简改编,使之更加适合我国的双语教学已提上教材建设日程。 为了满足高等学校经济管理类双语课程本土化教学的需要,在教育部高等教育司的指导和支持下,高等教育出版社同Thomson Learning等国外著名出版公司通力合作,在国内首次推出了金融、会计、经济学等专业的英文原版改编教材。本套教材的遴选、改编和出版严格遵循了以下几个原则: 1.择优选取权威的新版本。在各专业选书论证会上,我们要求入选改编的教材不仅是在国际上多次再版的经典之作的最新版本,而且是近年来已在国内被试用的优秀教材。 2.改编后的教材力求内容规范简明,逻辑更加清晰,语言原汁原味,适合中国的双语教学。选择的改编人既熟悉原版教材内容又具有本书或本门课程双语教学的经验;在改编过程中,高等教育出版社组织了知名专家学者召开了数次改编和审稿会议,改编稿征求了众多教师的意见。 3.改编后的教材配有较丰富的辅助教学支持资源,教师可在网上免费获取。同时,改编后的教材厚度适中,定价标准较低。 由于原作者所处国家的政治、经济和文化背景等与我国不同,对书中所持观点,敬请广大读者在阅读过程中注意加以分析和鉴别。 此次英文改编教材的出版,得到了很多专家学者的支持和帮助,在此深表谢意!我们期待这批英文改编教材的出版能对我国经济管理类专业的教学能有所帮助,欢迎广大读者给我们提出宝贵的意见和建议。 |
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