Tales of the legendary British monarch Arthur and his companions Merlin, Lancelot,Gawaine and others, come to us through poems, novels and ancient (often doubtful) historical accounts. Historians do speculate that a king of some military distinction,whose name was Arthur, was active in Wales in about the 6th century, but the threads of historical fact are impossible to separate totally from the great tapestry of legend and poetry in which most of these marvelous tales exist...
Centuries ago, a great king lived and fought in the British Isles.His name was Arthur, and since that time, numerous stories and legends have sprung up around his name. This book contains a selection of those stirring tales of far-off days, specially adapted for young readers.
You"ll learn about King Arthur"s boyhood and the thrilling story of how he came to be king after pulling a sword from a stone.Also told here is the story of Arthur"s marriage to Guenevere,how he acquired the great sword Excalibur, the founding of the Knighthood of the Round Table and more.
Sir Launcelot was the greatest knight of the Round Table and this book recounts a host of his exciting adventures, too--his great prowess in battle, his daring journey to the Chapel Perilous, fight with a deadly dragon, how he rescued Queen Guenevere from death by fire and many other adventures.
The romance and chivalry of the Middle Ages, spring to life in these pages, ready to enchant youngsters with high drama and daring deeds from days of yore.
The Sword in the Stone
The Round Table
Morgan le Fay
Sir Lancelot"s First Adventures
The Chapel Perilous and Other
Adventures of Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot and Dame Elaine
Sir Lancelot"s Exile and Return
The Death of King Arthur