If you were to think of Asian living, it is likely that two images would spring to mind - one is the palette of centuries old Asian building techniques for housing, with, for example, a rich and multi-layered courtyard house in China containing a processional unfolding of spaces punctuated by gateways; a sparse, subtle and flexible house in Japan with an almost religious aesthetic; clusters of courtyard houses in India; or a Malay house, raised on stilts with an open plan, and designed to perfectly suit the tropical climate. You would probably think of local materials such as timber, bamboo and rattan, and the techniques that have evolved for both constructing and decorating with them.You might also think of Asian religions, cultural traditions and rituals, and their poetic effect on the design and use of the house.
The Asian apartments presented in this book are exemplary of current trends in the design of apartments in Asia. Some of the apartments are imbued with a sense of the Asian building tradition - in both a tangible and intangible manner - expressing a real appreciation of the subtle experiential and perceptual occupation of space as well as physical aspects of Asian building traditions. These examples manage to draw inspiration from the past whilst embracing the future. Some of the apartments included in this book have achieved an Asian fiavour with the careful inclusion of Asian furnishings and decorative elements. Others still are reflective of a universal design sensibility - rational, simple and functional - and are thereby representative of the new direction of informal modern living in Asian cities.
But all of these living spaces show great ideas for maximising the potential of your own apartment. They will show you how to make the most of a small space by offering exciting -solutions and ideas for layout, the manipulation of volume, the treatment of surfaces, as well as the creation of focal points. These apartments show you how to be creative with light,colour, texture, art and decorative pieces, and they display exciting concepts for vestibules and corridors,living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens,bedrooms and bathrooms. Use these ideas to rise to the challenge of apartment living. Make your home a comfortable and inspirational backdrop for your modern lifestyle.
PROGRESSION t vestibules and corridors
PROGRESSION i living rooms
CONVERSATION I dining rooms
CREATION I kitchens
RELAXATION t bedrooms
ACCENTUATION I textures and fabrics
EXPRESSION J art and sculpture
INTEGRATION I decorative accessories
photo credits
addresses / index