内容推荐 《中国冰雪经济发展指数报告:英文》辛本禄等著 目录 Chapter 1 China Ice and Snow Tourism Index 1.1 Category of ice and snow tourism 1.2 The index system of ice and snow tourism in China 1.3 Data sources and calculation analysis of China's ice and snow tourism index 1.4 Summary of China Ice and Snow Tourism Index Chapter 2 China Winter Sports Index 2.1 Scope of winter sports 2.2 Index System of China's Winter Sports Development 2.3 Estimation and Analysis of China's Winter Sports Development 2.4 China's Winter Sports Development:A Review Chapter 3 China Ice and Snow Equipment Index 3.1 Category of ice and snow equipment 3.2 Index system of China's ice and snow equipment 3.3 Calculation and analysis of China ice and snow equipment index …… References |