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内容推荐 《小学英语默写能手:接力版.四年级 下》由朱海峰主编 目录 Lesson 1 How old is he? 训练1 Look,listen and say & Ask and answer 训练2 Ask and fill & Check and tick Lesson 2 How much is the football? 训练1 Look,listen and say & Listen and say 训练2 Look,listen and act;Look,guess and say;Sing a song & Check and tick 阶段复习(Lesson1 & Lesson2) 复习1单词专项 复习2短语专项 复习3句型专项 阶段自主检测 Lesson 3 What time is it? 训练1 Look,listen and say & Ask and answer 训练2 Look,listen and fill & Check and tick 阶段复习(Lesson3 & Lesson4) …… |