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书名 | 电磁超材料及电磁计算:李增瑞团队学术文集 |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-大学教材 |
作者 | 李增瑞 等著 |
出版社 | 中国传媒大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书汇集了李增瑞及其团队近年来在电磁超材料及电磁计算方面的研究成果。在电磁超材料研究方面,本书提出了多种应用于目标雷达散射截面减缩的电磁超材料结构,有效解决了二元相位相消技术存在的带宽窄等问题;提出了多种可重构反射透射阵新型天线,扩大了反射透射阵天线的应用范围;提出了多种新型多功能频率吸收表面,可有效减缩目标的雷达散射截面。在电磁计算研究方面,本书提出了适用于双各向异性介质金属复合目标的体面积分方程,扩大了积分方程法的适用范围;提出了二维和三维单纯形插法,提高了快速算法的效率;提出了在金属介质分界面上施加切向和法向边界条件,提高了计算精度;提出了利用插分解技术加速计算天线一天线罩系统的瞄准误差和透波率的方法。本书可以作为电磁场与微波技术专业的硕士、博士研究生或相关研究人员的参考书。 目录 目录 Quad-Polarization Reconfigurable Reflectarray with Independent Beam-Scanning and Polarization Switching Capabilities Analysis of Scattering Characteristics of Height-Adjustable Phased Array with Ultra Wideband Dual-Linear Polarized RCS Amplitude Regulation Design of an Active Polarizer for Wideband Quad-Polarization Conversion A Low-RCS Multifunctional Shared Aperture with Wideband Reconfigurable Refl ectarray Antenna and Tunable Scattering Characteristic Reconfigurable Bidirectional Beam-Steering Aperture with Transmitarray, Refl ectarray, and Transmit-Refl ect-Array Modes Switching On the Enforcement of Electric Field Boundary Condition in the Moment Method Solution of Volume-Surface Integral Equation Using the Interpolative Decomposition to Accelerate the Evaluation of Radome Boresight Error and Transmissivity Extremely Wideband and Omnidirectional RCS Reduction for Wide-Angle Oblique Incidence A Novel Wideband and High-Efficiency Electronically Scanning Transmitarray Using Transmission Metasurface Polarizer Design of a Dielectric Dartboard Surface for RCS Reduction Solving the Surface Current Distribution for Open PEC-Dielectric Objects Using the Volume Surface Integral Equation Breaking the High-Frequency Limit and Bandwidth Expansion for Radar Cross Section Reduction Ultrawideband and High-Efficient Polarization Conversion Metasurface Based on Multi-Resonant Element and Interference Theory On the Use of Hybrid CFIE-EFIE for Objects Containing Closed-Open Surface Junctions Ultrawideband Frequency-Selective Absorber Designed with an Adjustable and Highly Selective Notch A Well-Conditioned Integral Equation for Electromagnetic Scattering from Composite Inhomogeneous Bi-Anisotropic Material and Closed PEC Objects Tri-Band Radar Cross-Section Reduction Based on Optimized Multi-Element Phase Cancellation Efficient Triangular Interpolation Methods: Error Analysis and Applications Ultrawideband Monostatic and Bistatic RCS Reduction for Both Copolarization and Cross Polarization Based on Polarization Conversion and Destructive Interference Dual-Polarization Absorptive/Transmissive Frequency Selective Surface Based on Tripole Elements Ultrawideband Radar Cross-Section Reduction by a Metasurface Based on Defect Lattices and Multiwave Destructive Interference A Novel Checkerboard Metasurface Based on Optimized Multielement Phase Cancellation for Superwideband RCS Reduction |
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