内容推荐 整数分拆是组合数学中的一个基本而重要的研究对象。本书主要介绍了关于整数分拆的计数结果,针对对相邻部分之商的分拆进行研究,介绍了与之相关的重要的计数等式,组合证明,推广形式,以及与之相关的q-级数等式。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Basic Concepts 2.1 Interger partitions and compositions 2.2 Ferrers graphs 2.3 Generating functions 2.4 Overpartitions Chapter 3 Partition identities with difference conditions 3.1 Euler's partition identity 3.2 Rogers-Ramanujan identities 3.3 Schur's theorem and Gollnitz-Gordon theorem 3.4 Overpartition analogues Chapter 4 Partition identities with quotient conditions 4.1 Lecture hall theorem 4.2 a-Lecture hall partitions 4.3 Anti-lecture hall compositions 4.4 Truncated objects 4.5 (k, l)-Lecture hall partitions Bibliography Index |