内容推荐 本书是中国矿业大学教材建设工程资助教材,系统全面介绍了国际营销相关知识,全书主要介绍当前国内外形势下国际营销面临的形势和任务,立足不可控因素介绍国际营销环境,分别介绍了其中的历史、地理、文化、政治和法律各因素及其在国际营销中的作用和表现,帮助企业在国际营销中拟定合理的策略,规避上述风险。 目录 Preface Chapter 1 The Characteristics of International Marketing 1.1 The Definition of International Marketing 1.2 The Contents of International Marketing 1.3 The Essence of International Marketing:Self-reference Criterion(SRC) 1.4 The Types of International Marketing Key Terms Thinking Chapter 2 The Environment al Evolution of International Marketing 2.1 The Importance of Balance-of-payments in International Marketing 2.2 The Logic and Forms of Protectionism in International Marketing 2.3 The Importance of Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act,General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and World Trade Organization in International Marketing 2.4 The Importance of Some Semi-official Organizations in International Marketing Key Terms Thinking …… |