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书名 | 妇产科学 |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-大学教材 |
作者 | 黄元华,韩丽萍 |
出版社 | 郑州大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书全英编写,以《中国本科医学教育标准——临床医学专业(2016年)》为标准,以达成临床医学学士应当具备的妇产科专业知识的目标,汲取了国内外优秀教材的优点,纳入了本学科近年的成熟的成果和进展,由国内16所高校25名教授精心编写而成。全书共26章,按产科、妇科、计划生育的顺序排列;产科部分根据产前、产时、产后从生理到病理排列;妇科:按普通妇科、妇科肿瘤、生殖内分泌排列,其中对妇科疾病从外生殖器到内生殖器排列。培养学生系统的妇产科基本知识、基本理论、基本技能和临床思维能力。 目录 Chapter 1 Essential Anatomy for Obstetrics and Gynecology 1.1 External Genitalia(vulva) 1.2 Internal Genitalia and Ligaments 1.3 Blood Vessels,Lymphatics,and Nerves of the Reproductive System 1.4 Bony Pelvis 1.5 Pelvic Floor 1.6 The Organs Adjacent to Reproductive Organs Chapter 2 Female Reproductive Physiology 2.1 Physiological Characteristics of Different Life Stages of Women 2.2 Menstruation and Characteristics of Menstrual Phase 2.3 Ovarian Function and Cyclic Changes 2.4 Cyclic Changes of the Endometrium and Other Genital Organs 2.5 Regulation of Menstrual Cycle Chapter 3 Pregnancy Physiology and Diagnosis 3.1 Fertilization and Implantation 3.2 Diagnosis of Pregnancy 3.3 Fetal Growth,Placenta and Umbilical Cord 3.4 Maternal Changes During Pregnancy Chapter 4 Pregnancy at Risk 4.1 Ectopic Pregnancy 4.2 Abortion 4.3 Preterm Birth 4.4 Premature Rupture of Membrane(PROM) 4.5 Multiple Pregnancy 4.6 Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy 4.7 Placenta Previa 4.8 Placental Abruption Chapter 5 Normal Labor 5.1 Normal Labor 5.2 Determinate Factors to Initiate Labor 5.3 Determinate Factors of Labor 5.4 Labor Mechanism of Occipital Presentation 5.5 Threatened Labor,Labor and Normal Labor Stage 5.6 Normal Stage and Management Chapter 6 Abnormal Labor and Dystocia 6.1 Abnormality of Uterine Action 6.2 Abnormality of Passage 6.3 Abnormality of Fetal Position 6.4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Abnormal Labor Chapter 7 Fetal Dysplasia and Fetal Death 7.1 Neural Tube Defects 7.2 Fetal Distress 7.3 Fetal Death 7.4 Fetal Growth Restriction 7.5 Macrosomia 7.6 Shoulder Dystocia Chapter 8 Pregnancy with Medical Complications 8.1 Heart Disease in Pregnancy 8.2 Viral Hepatitis in Pregnancy 8.3 Diabetes Mellitus Complicating Pregnancy 8.4 Respiratory Disorders 8.5 Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy 8.6 Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy 8.7 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Pregnancy Chapter 9 Pregnancy with Surgical Diseases 9.1 Acute Appendicitis 9.2 Acute Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis 9.3 Acute Pancreatitis Chapter 10 Complications of Labor and Abnormal Puerperium 10.1 Postpartum Hemorrhage 10.2 Amniotic Fluid Embolism 10.3 Uterine Rupture 10.4 Puerperal Infections 10.5 Puerperium Depression Chapter 11 Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia 11.1 The Mechanism of the Pain 11.2 The Safety of Obstetric Anesthesia 11.3 The Type of Intrapartum Analgesia 11.4 Anesthesia for the Fetus at Risk 11.5 Analgesia for Abnormal Obstetrics 11.6 Anesthesia for Non-obstetric Surgery Chapter 12 Drugs in Pregnancy 12.1 Safety of Drugs in Pregnancy 12.2 The FDA Classification of Teratogenicity 12.3 Drugs of Choice in Pregnancy Chapter 13 Gynecological History and Examination 13.1 Gynecological History 13.2 Physical Examination 13.3 Investigations in Gynecology Chapter 14 Gynecologic Infections and STDs 14.1 Vulvovaginal Infections 14.2 Cervicitis 14.3 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID) 14.4 Gonorrhea 14.5 Syphilis 14.6 Chlamydial Infections 14.7 Genital Herpes 14.8 Acquired Immunodefieiency Syndrome(AIDS) Chapter 15 Tumors of the Vulva 15.1 Vulvar Benign Tumors 15.2 Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia 15.3 Vulvar Malignancies Chapter 16 Premalignant and Malignant Disorders of the Uterine Cervix 16.1 Squamous Intraepithe]ial Lesion 16.2 Cervical Cancer Chapter 17 Benign and Malignant Disorders of the Uterine Corpus 17.1 Leiomyoma of the Uterus 17.2 Endometrial Carcinoma 17.3 Uterine Sarcoma Chapter 18 Benign and Malignant Disorders of the Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes 18.1 Introduction of Ovarian Tumors 18.2 Epithelial Ovarian Tumor 18.3 Non Epithelial Ovarian Tumor 18.4 Fallopian Tube Tumor …… |
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