内容推荐 《学术语篇中的”知识情绪”:认知语义视角:英文》由王倩著 目录 \tChapter One Introduction
\t1.1Research background
\t1.2Research questions
\t1.3 Significance of the present study
\tChapter Two Literature Review
\t2.1 Knowledge emotions in psychology research
\t2.2Knowledge emotions as evaluative resources in writing
\t2.3Frame semanties and academic writing
\t2.4Disciplinary variations and academic writing
\t2.5Gender-related effects and academic writing
\t2.6Geo-epistemological contexts and academic writing
\t2.7Diachronic changes and academic writing
\tChapter Three Research Methodology
\t3.1Research design
\t3.2Corpus data collection
\t3.2.1 Corpus building
\t3.2.2 Methods of data coding and analysis
\t3.3.1 Participants
\t3.3.2 Interview schedule