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书名 | 口译学能测试中的坚韧性人格研究(英文版) |
分类 | 教育考试-考试-其它语种 |
作者 | 邢星 |
出版社 | 华中科技大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本选题具有以下特点:1.本课题积极响应教育部关于全面提高高等教育质量的号召,通过对口译学能测试的科学研究,为提高口译人才培养质量提供方法论指导。 2.本研究运用跨学科研究方法对口译学能进行研究,既能助推口译教学的跨学科研究,也能扩宽相关学科的研究视野。 3.本研究依托心理学、心理测量学的理论知识与方法,对受试进行施测和评分,并对数据进行定量定性分析,对同类研究具有借鉴和启发意义。 内容推荐 本著作主体研究包括研究理论框架、研究问题的提出、研究设计与步骤、研究结果的呈现与讨论。通过对149名中国口译学习者进行问卷调查和深度访谈,研究坚韧性人格对口译表现的影响及口译焦虑与自我效能感在此影响中的中介作用。基于研究结果,提出坚韧性人格的测量框架、工具和步骤,为构建口译学能测试模式提供参照。通过全面考察坚韧性人格对口译表现的影响,本书稿将为高校师生、口译研究者、心理学研究者及其他利益相关者更好理解非认知因素在口译活动中的作用提供新的理论视角和实证支持。 目录 Chapter 1Introduction1 1.1Motivations for the Research2 1.1.1Rational for the Research on Aptitude Testing for Interpreting2 1.1.2Rational for the Research on Personality Hardiness3 1.1.3Rational for the Research on Interpreting Anxiety and Self-efficacy4 1.2Research Significance6 1.3Research Questions8 1.4Research Methodology8 1.5Layout of the Book9 Chapter 2Literature Review11 2.1Working Definitions11 2.1.1Defining Aptitude11 2.1.2Aptitude, Ability, Intelligence and Personality12 2.2Overview of Aptitude for Foreign Language Learning13 2.2.1Foreign Language Aptitude14 2.2.2Foreign Language Aptitude and SLA Process15 2.2.3Affective Variables in SLA17 2.3Overview of Aptitude for Interpreting25 2.3.1Research at an Earlier Stage26 2.3.2Research in More Recent Time30 2.4Overview of Personality Hardiness36 2.4.1Construct of Personality Hardiness36 2.4.2Measurement of Personality Hardiness38 2.4.3Empirical Research on Personality Hardiness39 Chapter 3Personality Hardiness and Aptitude Testing for Interpreting44 3.1Conceptualization of Personality Hardiness44 3.1.1Underpinning in Existential Courage45 3.1.2Dimensionality45 3.1.3Personality Hardiness Model47 3.2Aptitude Testing for Interpreting48 3.2.1Necessity of Aptitude Testing for Interpreting48 3.2.2Aptitude Testing Models for Interpreting50 3.2.3Personality Hardiness and Aptitude Testing for Interpreting54 Chapter 4Research on the Effects of Personality Hardiness on Interpreting Performance:With Interpreting Anxiety and Self-efficacy as Intermediates57 4.1Quantitative Research60 4.1.1Participants60 4.1.2Instruments62 4.2Qualitative Research68 4.2.1Participants69 4.2.2Semi-Structured Interview Guide69 4.2.3Procedures69 4.3Data Collection and Analysis70 4.3.1Data Collection70 4.3.2Data Analysis72 4.4Results of Quantitative Research73 4.4.1Correlations between the Variables73 4.4.2Predictive Validity of Personality Hardiness76 4.4.3Mediating/Moderating Effect of Interpreting Anxiety81 4.4.4Mediating/Moderating Effect of Self-efficacy89 4.5Results of Qualitative Research94 4.5.1Information Triangulation96 4.5.2Roles of Personality Hardiness99 Chapter 5Implications of Research on the Effects of Personality Hardiness on Interpreting Performance106 5.1Correlations between Personality Hardiness and Interpreting Performance108 5.2Predicative Validity of Personality Hardiness on Interpreting Performance112 5.3Mediating Effect of Interpreting Anxiety114 5.3.1Personality Hardiness and Interpreting Anxiety115 5.3.2Interpreting Anxiety and Interpreting Performance117 5.4Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy120 5.4.1Personality Hardiness and Self-efficacy121 5.4.2Self-efficacy and Interpreting Performance123 5.5Personality Hardiness in Aptitude Testing for Interpreting124 Chapter 6A Tentative Framework for Personality Hardiness Measurement in Aptitude Testing for Interpreting129 6.1Personality Hardiness and Related Personality Traits in Interpreting Aptitude129 6.1.1Personality Hardiness and Stress-Resistance130 6.1.2Personality Hardiness and Resilience131 6.1.3Personality Hardiness and Other Stress-Resistance Qualities132 6.2Incorporating Personality Hardiness in Aptitude Testing for Interpreting134 6.2.1Significance of Incorporating Personality Hardiness into Aptitude Testing for Interpreting134 6.2.2A Tentative Framework for Personality Hardiness Measurement137 6.3Measurement of Personality Hardiness in Aptitude Testing for Interpreting140 6.3.1Measurement Procedures140 6.3.2Sub-components of Personality Hardiness142 Chapter 7Conclusion146 7.1Overview of the Research146 7.2Major Findings of the Research147 7.2.1Personality Hardiness and Interpreting Anxiety148 7.2.2Personality Hardiness and Self-efficacy148 7.2.3Personality Hardiness and Interpreting Performance149 7.2.4Personality Hardiness in Interpreting Aptitude150 7.2.5Personality Hardiness Measurement in Aptitude Testing for Interpreting151 7.3Contributions of the Research152 7.4Limitations and Future Directions153 References155 Appendix AQuestionnaire for Student Interpreters176 Appendix BScript for English-Chinese Consecutive Interpreting Test 182 Appendix CScript for Chinese-English Consecutive Interpreting Test 184 Appendix DIn-depth Interview Guide 186List of Figures Figure 2.1Foundational cognitive aptitude model(adapted from Macnamara 2012: 11)31 Figure 3.1Unidimensional conception of personality hardiness(Kobasa et al. 1982a)46 Figure 3.2A hierarchical multidimensional construct of personality hardiness (Hystad et al. 2011)46 Figure 3.3The hardiness model for performance and health enhancement (Maddi and Kobasa 1984)48 Figure 3.4Aptitude model for simultaneous interpreting by Chabasse (cited in Chabasse et al. 2014: 22)51 Figure 3.5Aptitude testing model for interpreting by Xing(2015: 12)52 Figure 3.6Aptitude testing model for interpreting by Zha(2016: 59)53 Figure 4.1Geographical constitution of the participants61 Figure 4.2University distribution of the participants61 Figure 4.3Relations among PH, IA and IP75 Figure 4.4Relations among PH, SE and IP76 Figure 4.5Predictive power of PH on IA78 Figure 4.6Predictive power of PH on SE79 Figure 4.7Predictive power of PH, IA and SE on IP81 Figure 4.8Mediator model82 Figure 4.9Three-stepped regression analysis model(Wen et al. 2004: 617)83 Figure 4.10Hypothetical relations between PH, IA and IP84 Figure 4.11Mediation diagram of IA on PH and IP84 Figure 4.12Mediation diagram of IA on Perseverance and IP85 Figure 4.13Mediation diagram of IA on Commitment and IP86 Figure 4.14Mediation diagram of IA on Challenge and IP86 Figure 4.15Mediation diagram of IA on Control and IP86 Figure 4.16Path diagram of moderating effect87 Figure 4.17Hypothetical relations of SE, PH and IP90 Figure 4.18Mediation diagram of SE on commitment and IP91 Figure 6.1Stress-resistance qualities structure(Zhang et al. 2006: 49)132 Figure 6.2A tentative framework for PH measurement in interpreting aptitude testing139 List of Tables Table 2.1Definition and specification of language aptitude(Carroll 1981)14 Table 2.2SLA processing stages and potential aptitude components (Skehan 2002: 90)16 Table 2.3An ideal interpreter’s profile across a 40-year span (Russo 2011: 10)27 Table 2.4Aptitudes for interpreters(Szuki 1988: 111)28 Table 2.5Knowledge and aptitudes indicating interpreting proficiency (López et al. 2007: 78)29 Table 2.6Tests administered by the schools participating in the 1965 Paris Colloquium(Russo 2011: 15)30 Table 2.7Aptitude tests among 18 postgraduate programs in conference interpreting(Timarová and Ungoed-Thomas 2008)34 Table 2.8Skills tested by different test types among 10 Chinese universities (Xing 2015)35 Table 4.1Distribution of participants by gender61 Table 4.2Distribution of participants by levels of universities62 Table 4.3Distribution of participants by provinces62 Table 4.4Internal consistency of Hardiness Scale63 Table 4.5Inter-correlations among the four dimensions of personality hardiness64 Table 4.6Internal consistency of Interpreting Anxiety Scale65 Table 4.7Internal General Self-efficacy Scale66 Table 4.8Scoring criteria for interpreting performance67 Table 4.9Interrater consecutive interpreting68 Table 4.10Pearson correlations among PH, IA and IP73 Table 4.11Pearson correlations among PH, SE and IP75 Table 4.12Model summary of multiple regression analyses for IA77 Table 4.13Model summary of multiple regression analyses for SE78 Table 4.14Model summary of multiple regression analyses for IP79 Table 4.15Model summary of linear regression analysis for IP of IA80 Table 4.16Model summary of linear regression analysis for IP of SE81 Table 4.17Mediating effect test of IA on PH and IP84 Table 4.18Mediating effect tests of IA on four dimensions and IP85 Table 4.19Moderating effect test of IA on PH and IP87 Table 4.20Moderating effect test of IA on four dimensions of PH and IP88 Table 4.21Mediating effect test of SE on PH and IP90 Table 4.22Mediating effect test of SE on four dimensions of PH and IP91 Table 4.23Moderating effect test of SE on PH and IP92 Table 4.24Moderating effect test of SE on four dimensions of PH and IP93 Table 4.25Background information about the interviewees95 Table 4.26Interviewees’ scores in the questionnaire survey96 |
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