内容推荐 2023年,“一带一路”倡议提出10周年。10年来,“一带一路”合作范围不断扩大,合作领域更为广阔,其内涵不断在实践中被丰富、扩大、深化。它不仅给参与各方带来了实实在在的合作红利,也为世界贡献了应对挑战、创造机遇、强化信心的智慧与力量。 本书聚焦中国在海外国家中落地的“旗舰型”项目,对这些分布在亚洲、欧洲、非洲、拉丁美洲等地项目进行深入解读,同时,聚焦“一带一路”发展热点,与海内外学者进行深度对话。 “一带一路”合作在世界各地的成果和影响力在本书中得以生动展现;面向未来,“一带一路”倡议将持续为全球经济注入源源不断的新动力,为当地百姓带来实实在在的民生福祉,为全球发展提供切实可行的中国方案。本书为英文版。 目录 I Nigeria 1 A Port Opened and a City on the Rise: Joint Development of the Lekki Port and the Free Trade Zone 2 Headline: China and Nigeria Sign a Memorandum of Under-standing on Belt and Road Cooperation 3 Dialogue: Lekki Port Estimated to Generate an Economic Benefit of US$361 Billion II Cambodia 1 China-Cambodia Cooperation Strengthened: the Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway 2 Headline: CAFTA 3 3 Dialogue: CAFTA 3.0 Will Improve Quality and Upgrade Trade and Investment III Chile 1 Accomplishing Many “Firsts” in Chile: CRCC Opens Up Broader Prospects for China-Chile Cooperation 2 Headline: New Opportunities and Missions for China-Chile Relations 3 Dialogue: China’s Accession to the DEPA Will Drive China-Chile Bilateral Cooperation IV Qatar 1 China’s Intelligent Manufacturing Guides the “Golden Bowl”: “Green Building + Technology” Provides a New Vision for China Qatar Cooperation 2 Headline: “Made-in-China” Elements Appear on a Qatari Banknote for a Second Time 3 Dialogue: Why Has Lusail Stadium Become the “Made in China” Flagship Project V Malaysia 1 The East Coast Rail Link Benefits the Local Population 2 Headline: High-Quality Belt and Road Cooperation 3 Dialogue: China-Malaysia Trade Expected to Hit New Highs, with Huge Potential for Cooperation in Emerging Sectors VI Colombia 1 “Made in China” Helps Bogotá Realize “Metro Dream” 2 Headline: A New Dynamic Is Injected into China-Colombia Economic and Trade Cooperation 3 Dialogue: Diversified Chinese Investment in the BRI Framework Helps Deepen Bilateral Cooperation VII Vietnam 1 Vietnam’s First Light Rail Boosts Hanoi Economic Zone 2 Headline: the First China Railway Express Train (Hefei-Hanoi) 3 Dialogue: Diversified Cooperation Between China and Vietnam VIII Ethiopia 1 Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway: Internationalization and Localization 2 Headline: The African Continent’s First Electrified Transnational Railway Makes Its Debut 3 Dialogue: The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway Is a Vehicle of China-Africa Cooperation and a Transport Lifeline IX Hungary 1 Lenovo Builds a New In-House Facility in Hungary to Be a Flagship Hi-Tech Manufacturer 2 Headline: The BRI Proves that Globalization Promotes Development 3 Dialogue: Major Chinese-Funded Projects Enable Hungary to Be a Leader in Belt and Road Cooperation X Mexico 1 “Chinese Strength” Boosts the Development of Mexico’s Industries and Infrastructure 2 Headline: Chinese Investment in Mexico Nearly Doubled in the First Half of 3 Dialogue: China Is Mexico’s Second Largest Trading Partner XI Greece 1 The Piraeus Port of Athens Is a Key Gateway for Economic and Trade Exchanges Between China and Europe 2 Headline: The Piraeus Port Is the Gateway of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road to CEEC 3 Dialogue: Building the Piraeus Port into an Integrated Trade Port XII Thailand 1 The Construction of the China-Thailand Railway Accelerates Economic and Trade Connectivity Between Thailand and the Region 2 Coordinating Thailand’s EEC with the BRI at a Brisker Pace 3 Headline: Thailand’s First HSR Highlights Chinese Standards and Speed 4 Dialogue: China-Thailand Cooperation Creates Results that Grow Exponentially in Many Fields XIII Brazil 1 The Belo Monte Hydropower Project Benefits One Tenth of the Brazilian Population 2 Headline: China and Brazil Seek Post-Pandemic Cooperation Under the BRI Framework 3 Dialogue: Prospects for China-Brazil Energy Cooperation XIV Croatia 1 The Peljesac Bridge “Connects” China and Croatia; the Senj Wind Farm Project Promotes a Green Silk Road 2 Headline: A Model of Win-Win Cooperation Between China and Croatia 3 Dialogue: the Building of the “Sino-European Green Energy Model Project” XV The Philippines 1 The Opening of the Pasig River Bridge in Manila Will Further Strengthen Chin |