内容推荐 本书是《世界河流幸福指数报告2021》的英文版,由中国水利水电科学研究院成立的幸福河研究课题组编写,在《中国河湖幸福指数报告》的基础上,围绕联合国可持续发展目标,尝试将建立的指标体系和评估方法应于世界,在全球范围内选择了15条代表性河流编制而成。 目录 Foreword Chapter 1 River of Happiness: Definition and Connotation Chapter 2 River Happiness Index (RHI) and Its Evaluation Criteria Chapter 3 Evaluation Scope of the World's Rivers Chapter 4 Findings 4.1 Amazon River 4.2 Colorado River 4.3 Congo River 4.4 Danube River 4.5 Euphrates River 4.6 Ganges Rivet 4.7 Mississippi River 4.8 Murray-Darling River 4.9 Nile River 4.10 Rhine River 4.11 St. Lawrence River 4.12 Thames River 4.13 Volga River 4.14 Yangtze River 4.15 Yellow River Chapter 5 Comparative Analysis 5.1 Scores and Grades of Happiness of World's Rivers 5.2 Capacity of Life and Property Safety Protection (CSP) 5.3 Reliability of Water Resources (RWR) 5.4 Livability of Water Environment (LWE) 5.5 Health of Aquatic Ecosystem (HAE) 5.6 Prosperity of Water Culture (PWC) Appendix: Sources of Information |