内容推荐 本教材为英文版《混凝土结构设计原理》,依据最新出版的《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB5 50010-2010,2015年版,英文版),《建筑结构可靠性设计统一标准》(GB 50068-2018)等标准编写,结合我国在工程建设领域的经验和智慧,吸收“一带一路”沿线国家和地区主流建筑结构规范的重点内容,介绍了混凝土结构基本构件(梁、柱)的基本力学性能(弯、压、剪、扭)及截面设计的基本原理,以利于我国规范与标准在“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的应用,同时开阔我国学生视野,为未来从事国际工程项目建设T作奠定基础。教材已经获批“十三五”江苏省高等学校重点教材(新编)。 本教材适合土木工程等专业学生学习使用,也可供相关工程研究及技术人员参考。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Basic concepts of reinforced concrete structure 1.2 Mechanism of combined action 1.3 Reinforced concrete members 1.4 Advantages of reinforced concrete 1.5 Disadvantages of reinforced concrete 1.6 Historical development of RC structures 1.7 Modern application of RC structures 1.8 Design method Thinking and exercises Chapter 2 Mechanical Properties of Materials 2.1 Steel bars 2.2 Concrete 2.3 Bond and anchorage Thinking and exercises Chapter 3 Basic Principles for the Design of RC Structures 3.1 Requirements for structural design 3.2 Action on the structure and structural resistance 3.3 Limit state of structure and approximate probability-based limit states design method 3.4 Design expression of the probabilistic limit state method Thinking and exercises Chapter 4 Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Section size and reinforcement detailing 4.3 Bending test on an under-reinforced RC beam 4.4 Flexural capacity of single reinforced rectangular sections 4.5 Flexural capacity of double reinforced sections 4.6 T shaped section Thinking and exercises Chapter 5 Shear Strength of Flexural Members 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Shear behavior of RC beams 5.3 Strength calculation methods of members under shear 5.4 Detailing requirements for reinforcement Thinking and exercises Chapter 6 Axial and Eccentric Compressed Members 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Structural requirements of the compressed members 6.3 Axial compressed members 6.4 Eccentric compressed members Thinking and exercises Chapter 7 Reinforced Concrete Tension Members 7.1 Engineering applications and details of members 7.2 Axial tension reinforced concrete members 7.3 Eccentric tension members Thinking and exercises Chapter 8 Torsion 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Categories of torsion 8.3 Characteristic of failure under pure torsion 8.4 Cracking torque for members under pure torsion 8.5 Calculation of torsional capacities for members subjected to pure torsion 8.6 Torsional capacity of member under combined action of flexure, shear and torsion Thinking and exercises Chapter 9 Deflection and Crack 9.1 Crack width checking of flexural members 9.2 Deformation checking of the flexural members Thinking and exercises References |