内容推荐 《化学专业英语》由周光明主编 目录 Unit 1 Inorganic Chemistry * 1 What Is Chemistry? 2 The Atomic Theory and the Periodic Table 3 Acids and Bases * 4 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds (Ⅰ) * 5 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds (Ⅱ) * 6 Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds Unit 1 Exercises Unit 2 Analytical Chemistry * 7 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry 8 Qualitative Analyses for Metallic Elements 9 Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Analytical Techniques 10 Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy 11 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Unit 2 Exercises Unit 3 Organic Chemistry …… |